Each Basic Level Online Test Series includes 10 SIMPLE QUESTIONS that help you to have a basic understanding of each chapter. After selecting your answers, click on "View Score & Feedback" button to see your s…
Each Basic Level Online Test Series includes 10 SIMPLE QUESTIONS that help you to have a basic understanding of each chapter. After selecting your answers, click on "View Score & Feedback" button to see your s…
Each Basic Level Online Test Series includes 10 SIMPLE QUESTIONS that help you to have a basic understanding of each chapter. After selecting your answers, click on "View Score & Feedback" button to see your s…
10. LIGHT – REFLECTION AND REFRACTION Refraction through a Rectangular Glass Slab Fix a white paper on a drawing board and place a rectangular glass slab on its middle.
10. LIGHT – REFLECTION AND REFRACTION Sign Convention for Reflection by Spherical Mirrors New Cartesian Sign Convention: In this convention, the pole (P) of the mirror is taken as the origin. The principal axis of t…