Biodiversity and Conservation | Class 12 Zoology | Previous Years Questions and Answers (2018 to 2020)


2020 SAY

1.   (a) The term ‘biodiversity’ was popularised by ..............

(b) Name the two types of biodiversity conservation.

(c) Write any three causes of biodiversity loss. (3)

ü Answer:

(a) Edward Wilson.

(b) In situ conservation and Ex situ conservation.

(c) Habitat loss & Fragmentation, Overexploitation, Alien species invasion etc.

2020 MARCH

1.   Select the cause of extinction of Cichlid fish in Lake Victoria of East Africa. (1)

a.      Habitat loss and fragmentation            

b.     Over-exploitation

c.      Alien species invasions                        

d.     Co-extinctions

ü Answer:

(c) Alien species invasions

2.   Tropical Amazonian rainforest in South America has the greatest biodiversity on earth. Do you agree with this? Explain. (2)

ü Answer:

Yes. I agree.

Tropical Amazonian rainforest has the greatest species richness. It contains > 40000 plant species, > 5000 vertebrates and > 1,25,000 species of invertebrates. This is because tropical regions have constant environment and gets more solar energy.

2019 SAY June

1.   In your school, the Science Club decided to conduct a seminar about "Biodiversity conservation - Approaches". You are invited to present a paper on this seminar. List out the main points you included in the presentation. (3)

[Hint: In Situ, Ex-Situ conservation]

ü Answer:

In situ conservation (on site): It is the conservation of genetic resources within natural or human-made ecosystems in which they occur. E.g. National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere reserves, Sacred groves etc.

Ex situ conservation (off site): It is the conservation of organisms outside their habitats. E.g. genetic resource centres, zoological parks, wildlife safari parks, botanical gardens etc.

2019 MARCH

1.  Which among the following belongs to ex-situ conservation? (1)

Wildlife sanctuaries, Biosphere reserves, Zoological parks, National parks, Sacred groves

ü Answer:

Zoological parks.

2.   The causes of biodiversity loss are designated as "EVIL QUARTET". Explain the Evil Quartet in biodiversity loss. (2)

ü Answer:

The Evil Quartet:

a.  Habitat loss and fragmentation.

b.  Overexploitation.

c.  Alien species invasion.

d.  Co-extinction.

2018 SAY

1.   Human beings can conserve and protect our ecosystem and biodiversity. Prepare a handout to show different Biodiversity conservation. (2)

ü Answer:

In situ conservation: It is the conservation of genetic resources within natural or human-made ecosystems in which they occur. E.g. National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere reserves etc.

Ex situ conservation: It is the conservation of organisms outside their habitats. E.g. genetic resource centres, zoological parks, wildlife safari parks, botanical gardens, gene banks etc.

2018 MARCH

1.  Observe the graph and answer the following questions: (3)

       (a) Name S, A, Z and C in the graph.

(b) Name the scientists who explained Species-Area relationship.

ü Answer:

(a) S= Species richness

A= Area, Z= Slope of the line, C= Y-intercept.

(b) Alexander von Humboldt.

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