Reproductive health: Previous Year Questions Part 2


2013 MARCH
1.     Suggest the ART which may be successful in the following conditions. (½ + ½ + 2=3) 
a.   A female cannot produce ovum, but can provide a suitable environment for fertilization and further development.
b.   Male partner is unable to inseminate the female or has very low sperm count.
c.    Fusion of gametes and zygote formation does not occur within the body of the female.
2013 SAY
1.     Sterilization and IUDs are effective birth control measures, but lactational amenorrhea may not be so effective.
a.   How the sterilization procedure of males differ from that of females in preventing pregnancy? (2)
b.   Which part of the female reproductive organ is utilized for the IUD procedure? How this procedure prevents pregnancy? (2)
c.    Why the lactational amenorrhea is not so effective? (1)
2014 MARCH
1.     One of your neighbors is suffering from itching, fluid discharge, slight pain and swelling in genital region.
a.   What do you think the disease he is suffering from?
b.   What measures are to be taken to prevent such disease?          (2)
2.     Expand the following abbreviations which are commonly used in reproductive health (1)
a.   ART                        b.    ZIFT
2014 SAY
1.     ………… and ……………. are two surgical contraceptive methods in males and females respectively. (1)
2.     Amniocentesis for sex determination is banned in our country. Is this ban necessary? Comment on use of amniocentesis. (2)
2015 MARCH
1.     Foetal sex can be determined by a test based on the chromosomal pattern from the amniotic fluid.
a.   What is this test?
b.   Revealing of sex determination through this test is banned. Is this ban necessary? Comment.
c.    In vitro fertilization followed by embryo transfer is known as …………… (2)
2.     Identify the diagram and write how it acts. (1)
2015 SAY
1.     Some techniques commonly used for infertility treatment are given below. Read them carefully and answer questions.       
a.   Which of the above technique is used for the collection of sperms from husband or a healthy donor and artificially introduced into vagina or uterus of female?
b.   Distinguish between ZIFT and GIFT.
c.    Write the common term used to denote the techniques given above. (3)


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