Plant Kingdom | Class 11 | One-Word Answer type Questions | Topic - wise


Q 1: Earliest systems of classification are known as
✅ Artificial classification systems
Q 2: Which classification systems are based on vegetative characters or superficial morphological characters such as habit, colour, number and shape of leaves, etc.?
✅ Artificial classification systems
Q 3: Linnaeus’s artificial system of classification was based on the ………………… structure.
✅ Androecium
Q 4: Separation of the closely related species and giving equal weightage to vegetative & sexual characteristics are the drawbacks of
✅ Artificial classification systems
Q 5: Which classification systems are based on natural affinities among organisms and consider external features and internal features?
✅ Natural classification systems
Q 6: Classification for flowering plants given by George Bentham & Joseph Dalton Hooker is an example for
✅ Natural classification system
Q 7: ………………. classification systems are based on evolutionary relationships among organisms.
✅ Phylogenetic
Q 8: What type of taxonomy is based on all observable characteristics, utilizes computers for analysis, assigns codes to these characteristics, and then processes the data to classify organisms?
✅ Numerical Taxonomy
Q 9: ……………. is based on cytological information like chromosome number, structure, behaviour etc.
✅ Cytotaxonomy
Q 10: Which taxonomical system uses chemical constituents of plants?
✅ Chemotaxonomy

Topic 2: ALGAE

Q 11: Name the plant group which includes simple, thalloid, autotrophic, chlorophyll-bearing and aquatic organisms.
✅ Algae
Q 12: Association of algae with fungi is called
✅ Lichen
Q 13: Name an animal on which some algae live.
✅ Sloth bear
Q 14: Name a microscopic unicellular alga.
Q 15: Name a colonial alga.
Q 16: Give an example for filamentous alga.
Ulothrix, Spirogyra
Q 17: Vegetative reproduction of algae is by
✅ Fragmentation
Q 18: Most common asexual spores of algae are
✅ Zoospores
Q 19: Name an alga which is isogamous and has flagellated gametes.
Q 20: Name an alga which is isogamous and has non-flagellated gametes.
Q 21: Give an example for alga which shows anisogamous sexual reproduction.
Q 22: Give an example for alga which shows oogamous sexual reproduction.
Volvox, Fucus
Q 23: ………………. are primary producers and the basis of the food cycles of all aquatic animals.
✅ Algae
Q 24: Name an alga that is used as food.
Porphyra / Laminaria / Sargassum
Q 25: Agar from Gelidium and ………………. is used to grow microbes and in ice-creams and jellies.
Q 26: Name the hydrocolloid (water holding substances) produced by brown algae.
✅ Algin
Q 27: Name the hydrocolloid (water holding substances) produced by red algae.
✅ Carrageen
Q 28: Protein-rich unicellular algae like Chlorella & ………………. are used as food supplements by space travelers.
Q 29: Chlorophyceae is also known as ……………….
✅ Green algae
Q 30: Name the major pigments in Chlorophyceae.
✅ Chlorophyll a and b
Q 31: Name the storage bodies of present in most green algae.
✅ Pyrenoids
Q 32: What is the inner layer of the green algae cell wall made of?
✅ Cellulose
Q 33: What is the outer layer of the green algae cell wall made of?
✅ Pectose
Q 34: How many flagella do most green algae have?
✅ 2 to 8
Q 35: Chlamydomonas, Volvox, Ulothrix, Spirogyra & Chara are examples for the algal group ……………….
✅ Chlorophyceae
Q 36: Phaeophyceae is also known as
✅ Brown algae
Q 37: Name the brown alga which is profusely branched and 100 m in height.
✅ Kelps
Q 38: Name the algal group which has chlorophyll a, c, carotenoids & xanthophylls.
✅ Phaeophyceae
Q 39: Brown algae vary in colour from olive green to brown based on the amount of a xanthophyll pigment ………………
✅ Fucoxanthin
Q 40: In brown algae, food is stored as complex carbohydrates such as ……………….
✅ Laminarin & mannitol
Q 41: The vegetative cells of Brown algae have a cellulosic wall covered by a gelatinous coating of
✅ Algin
Q 42: Plant body is attached to substratum by a holdfast, and has a stalk (stipe) & leaf like photosynthetic organ (frond). Identify the algal group.
✅ Phaeophyceae
Q 43: Ectocarpus, Dictyota, Laminaria, Sargassum & Fucus are examples for algal group ……………….
✅ Phaeophyceae
Q 44: In brown algae, the structure for asexual reproduction is pear-shaped and biflagellate ……………….
✅ Zoospores
Q 45: In brown algae, shape of gametes is typically
✅ Pyriform (pear-shaped)
Q 46: What pigment gives red algae (Rhodophyceae) its color?
✅ Phycoerythrin
Q 47: What are the types of chlorophylls present in red algae?
✅ Chlorophyll a & d
Q 48: Cell wall of red algae is made up of Cellulose, pectin and ……………….
✅ Poly sulphate esters
Q 49: In red algae, the food is stored as ………………. which is very similar to amylopectin and glycogen in structure.
✅ Floridean starch
Q 50: Give an example of a red algae genus.
Polysiphonia/ Porphyra/Gracilaria/Gelidium
Q 51: In red algae, vegetative reproduction is by
✅ Fragmentation
Q 52: In red algae, asexual reproduction is by
✅ Non-motile spores
Q 53: What type of sexual reproduction do red algae use?
✅ Oogamous


Q 54: ……………. are called amphibians of the plant kingdom because they can live in soil but need water for sexual reproduction.
✅ Bryophytes
Q 55: The body algae is thallus-like and prostrate or erect, and attached to the substratum by unicellular or multicellular ……………….
✅ Rhizoids
Q 56: Name the group of plants which lack true roots, stem or leaves and may possess root-like, leaf-like or stem-like structures.
✅ Bryophytes
Q 57: The main plant body of bryophytes is haploid which produces gametes, hence is called a
✅ Gametophyte
Q 58: The male sex organ of bryophytes is antheridium produces biflagellate ………………
✅ Antherozoids
Q 59: The female sex organ of bryophytes is called …………... which is flask-shaped and produces a single egg.
✅ Archegonium
Q 60: In bryophytes, zygotes do not undergo meiosis immediately. They produce a multicellular body called a ……………….
✅ Sporophyte
Q 61: Peat obtained from ………………. is used as packing material for trans-shipment of living material.
Q 62: ………………. from Sphagnum can hold more water to maintain moisture around the living material or specimens or seedlings.
✅ Peat
Q 63: Bryophytes are ecologically important because of their role in ………………. on bare rocks/soil.
✅ Plant succession
Q 64: Mosses along with ………………. decompose rocks making the substrate suitable for the growth of higher plants.
✅ Lichens
Q 65: The bryophytes are divided into liverworts and ……………….
✅ Mosses
Q 66: Give an example for liverworts.
Q 67: In mosses, asexual reproduction is by fragmentation of thalli, or by the formation of
✅ Gemmae
Q 68: Gemmae are green, multicellular, asexual buds that develop in small receptacles called ………………. on the thalli.
✅ Gemma cups
Q 69: The predominant stage of the life cycle of a moss/bryophyte is the ……………….
✅ Gametophyte
Q 70: The first filamentous stage of gametophyte of a moss which develops directly from a spore is called ……………….
✅ Protonema stage
Q 71: The second stage of gametophyte of a moss which develops from the secondary protonema as a lateral bud is called ……………….
✅ Leafy stage
Q 72: In mosses, vegetative reproduction occurs by fragmentation and budding in the ……………….
✅ Secondary protonema
Q 73: The development of a zygote into a sporophyte, consisting of a foot, seta, and capsule, is a characteristic feature of ……………….
✅ Bryophytes
Q 74: Give an example for mosses.
Funaria / Polytrichum / Sphagnum


Q 75: ………………. include horsetails and ferns.
✅ Pteridophytes
Q 76: Evolutionarily, ………………. are the first terrestrial plants to possess vascular tissues.
✅ Pteridophytes
Q 77: In pteridophytes, the dominant phase is a ……………….
✅ Sporophyte
Q 78: The leaves in pteridophytes such as Selaginella are small and are called
✅ Microphylls
Q 79: The leaves in pteridophytes such as ferns are large and are called
✅ Macrophylls
Q 80: The sporophytes bear sporangia that are subtended by leaf-like appendages called
✅ Sporophylls
Q 81: In some cases, sporophylls may form distinct compact structures called
✅ Strobili or cones
Q 82: ………………. produce spores by meiosis in spore mother cells.
✅ Sporangia
Q 83: In pteridophytes, the spores germinate to give inconspicuous, small, multicellular, free-living, mostly photosynthetic thalloid gametophytes called
✅ Prothallus
Q 84: The gametophytes (prothallus) bear male and female sex organs called antheridia and ………………, respectively.
✅ Archegonia
Q 85: Water is needed for transfer of …………………... to the mouth of archegonium.
✅ Antherozoids
Q 86: Most of the pteridophytes produce similar kinds of spores. So they are called
✅ Homosporous plants
Q 87: Some pteridophytes produce two kinds of spores, macro (mega) & micro spores. They are called
✅ Heterosporous
Q 88: Give an example for heterosporous pteridophytes.
Selaginella / Salvinia
Q 89: The ………………. & ………………. germinate and give rise to female and male gametophytes, respectively.
✅ Megaspores & microspores
Q 90: In which group of plants does the zygote develop into a young embryo within the female gametophyte, marking an important evolutionary step towards the seed habit?
✅ Pteridophytes
Q 91: The pteridophyte Psilotum belongs to the class Psilopsida whereas Selaginella & Lycopodium belongs to the class
✅ Lycopsida
Q 92: The pteridophyte Equisetum belongs to the class ……………….
✅ Sphenopsida
Q 93: The pteridophytes Dryopteris, Pteris, Adiantum belongs to the class ……………….
✅ Pteropsida


Q 94: 94. What type of plants have ovules that are not enclosed by the ovary wall and remain exposed before and after fertilization?
✅ Gymnosperms
Q 95: The tallest tree species of gymnosperms is
✅ Sequoia (giant redwood)
Q 96: The roots of Gymnosperms are generally
✅ Tap roots
Q 97: Roots in some Gymnosperms such as Pinus have fungal association in the form of
✅ Mycorrhiza
Q 98: In plants like Cycas, small specialized roots called ………………… are associated with N2- fixing cyanobacteria.
✅ Coralloid roots
Q 99: Give an example for a gymnosperm with unbranched stems.
Q 100: Give an example for a gymnosperm with branched stems.
Pinus / Cedrus
Q 101: In ………………., the pinnate leaves persist for a few years.
Q 102: In which group of plants do needle-like leaves, thick cuticles, and sunken stomata help reduce water loss?
✅ Conifers (Pinus, Cedrus etc.)
Q 103: Gymnosperms produce haploid microspores and megaspores. So they are called
✅ Heterosporous
Q 104: Some leaves are modified into ………………. which are compactly and spirally arranged along an axis to form lax or strobili or cones.
✅ Sporophylls
Q 105: Sporophylls bear ………………. in which spores are produced.
✅ Sporangia
Q 106: Microsporophylls are arranged to
✅ Male strobili
Q 107: Microsporophylls bear ……………….
✅ Microsporangia
Q 108: The microspores develop into male gametophytes. This gametophyte is called
✅ Pollen grain
Q 109: The pollen grains are developed within the ……………….
✅ Microsporangia
Q 110: Megasporophylls are arranged to
✅ Female strobili
Q 111: Megasporophylls bear ……………….
✅ Megasporangia (ovules)
Q 112: Megasporangium mainly consists of a body called ………………. in which a cell is differentiated to the megaspore mother cell.
✅ Nucellus
Q 113: Megaspore mother cell undergoes meiosis to form ………………. megaspores.
✅ Four
Q 114: One of the megaspores enclosed within the Megasporangium (nucellus) develops into a multicellular female gametophyte that bears two or more ……………….
✅ Archegonia
Q 115: Name a plant on which male or female cones may be borne on the same tree.
Q 116: Name a plant on which the male or female cones may be borne on different trees.
Q 117: In which plant group, the male and the female gametophytes do not have an independent free-living existence?
✅ Gymnosperms


Q 118: Name an angiosperm plant which almost microscopic.
Q 119: ………………. are tall trees which can grow over 100 metres.
Q 120: Dicotyledons & Monocotyledons are 2 classes of ……………….
✅ Angiosperms
Q 121: ………………. have 2 cotyledons in seeds, reticulate venations in leaves and tetramerous or pentamerous flowers.
✅ Dicotyledons
Q 122: ………………. have only one cotyledon, parallel venation in leaves and trimerous flowers.
✅ Monocotyledons
Q 123: The reproductive structure of angiosperms is
✅ Flower
Q 124: Male sex organ in a flower is called
✅ Stamen
Q 125: Each stamen consists of a filament with an …………… at the tip.
✅ Anther
Q 126: Within the anthers, the pollen mother cell divides by meiosis to produce microspores which matures into
✅ Pollen grains
Q 127: Female sex organ in a flower is called
✅ Pistil
Q 128: …………… consists of a swollen ovary at its base, a long slender style & stigma.
✅ Pistil
Q 129: Ovary contains ……………….
✅ Ovules
Q 130: An ovule has a megaspore mother cell that undergoes meiosis to form 4 haploid ……………….
✅ Megaspores
Q 131: Three of the megaspores degenerate and one divides to form
✅ Embryo sac
Q 132: How many cells are in the egg apparatus of each embryo sac?
✅ Three
Q 133: The egg apparatus consists of one egg cells and two ……………….
✅ Synergids
Q 134: How many antipodal cells are in the embryo sac?
✅ Three
Q 135: The polar nuclei eventually fuse to produce a diploid ……………….
✅ Secondary nucleus
Q 136: Pollen grains dispersed from anthers are carried by wind or other agencies to the stigma of pistil. It is called
✅ Pollination
Q 137: Where does pollen grains germinate on?
✅ Stigma
Q 138: ………………. grows through the tissues of stigma and style to reach the ovule.
✅ Pollen tubes
Q 139: What is the fusion of one male gamete with an egg cell called?
✅ Syngamy
Q 140: ………………. is formed when the other male gamete fuses with the diploid secondary nucleus?
✅ Primary endosperm nucleus (PEN)
Q 141: The event that involves two fusions during fertilization in plants is called
✅ Double fertilisation
Q 142: ………………. is an event unique to angiosperms.
✅ Double fertilisation
Q 143: The zygote develops into an ………………. with one or two cotyledons.
✅ Embryo
Q 144: The PEN develops into ………………. which provides nourishment to the developing embryo.
✅ Endosperm
Q 145: The ovules develop into ……………….
✅ Seeds
Q 146: The ovaries develop into ……………….
✅ Fruit
Q 147: The seeds are enclosed by
✅ Fruits


Q 148: In plants, haploid plant body is called
✅ Gametophyte
Q 149: Which generation is represented only by the zygote in the haplontic life cycle?
✅ Sporophytic
Q 150: What phase is dominant and photosynthetic in the haplontic life cycle?
✅ Gametophyte
Q 151: Give an example of an organism with a haplontic life cycle.
Volvox / Spirogyra / Chlamydomonas
Q 152: In the diplontic life cycle, which phase is dominant and photosynthetic?
✅ Sporophyte
Q 153: How is the gametophytic phase represented in the diplontic life cycle?
✅ Haploid
Q 154: Give an example of an organism with a diplontic life cycle.
Fucus / Gymnosperms / angiosperms
Q 155: Which life cycle has both gametophyte and sporophyte as multicellular and often free-living?
✅ Haplo-diplontic
Q 156: Give an example of an organism with a haplo-diplontic life cycle.
✅ Bryophytes / Pteridophytes

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