The Living World | Class 11 | One-Word Answer type Questions | Topic - wise


Q 1: The increase in number & mass of cells by cell division is called ……………….
✅ Growth
Q 2: The production of progeny having features similar to those of parents is called ……………….
✅ Reproduction
Q 3: In ………………., growth & reproduction are same because they reproduce by cell division.
✅ Unicellular organisms
Q 4: ………………. is the sum total of all biochemical reactions taking place inside a living system.
✅ Metabolism
Q 5: The ability of organisms to sense their environment and respond to environmental stimuli is called ……………….
✅ Consciousness
Q 6: Human is the only organism having ……………….
✅ Self-consciousness


Q 7: The number and types of organisms present on earth refer to ……………….
✅ Biodiversity
Q 8: Number of species described so far is ……………….
✅ 1.7-1.8 million
Q 9: ………………. is the study of identification, classification & nomenclature of organisms.
✅ Taxonomy
Q 10: ………………. is the study of evolutionary relationships among organisms.
✅ Systematics
Q 11: Who wrote the book Systema Naturae?
✅ Linnaeus
Q 12: Characterization, identification, classification and ………………. are the basic processes of taxonomy.
✅ Nomenclature
Q 13: The understanding of characters of organisms such as external & internal structure, structure of cell, development process, ecological information etc. is called
✅ Characterization
Q 14: The grouping of organisms into convenient categories (taxa) based on characters is called ……………….
✅ Classification
Q 15: The standardization of names of the organisms so that an organism is known by the same name all over the world is called ……………….
✅ Nomenclature
Q 16: The system of naming with two components is called
✅ Binomial nomenclature
Q 17: Binomial nomenclature is proposed by ……………….
✅ Linnaeus
Q 18: Botanical names are based on the rules in ……………….
✅ International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)
Q 19: Zoological names are based on ……………….
✅ International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN)
Q 20: Scientific names are generally in ………………. Language.
✅ Latin
Q 21: In binomial nomenclature, the first word is the ……………….
✅ Genus name (Generic name)
Q 22: In binomial nomenclature, the second word is the ……………….
✅ Species name (specific epithet)
Q 23: In Homo sapiens, Homo represents ……………….
✅ Genus name
Q 24: The ………………. starts with capital letter and the species name starts with small letter.
✅ Genus name
Q 25: In Mangifera indica Linn., the term Linn. indicates that this species was first described by
✅ Linnaeus


Q 26: Classification involves hierarchy of steps in which each step represents a ……………….
✅ Taxonomic category (rank)
Q 27: All categories together constitute a ……………….
✅ Taxonomic hierarchy
Q 28: A group of organisms occupying a particular category is called a ……………….
✅ Taxon
Q 29: Name the unit of classification.
✅ Taxon
Q 30: A group of closely related organisms with fundamental similarities is called
✅ Species
Q 31: The lowest category is ……………….
✅ Species
Q 32: Botanical name of mango is
Mangifera indica
Q 33: Zoological name of Modern man is
Homo sapiens
Q 34: An aggregate of closely related species is called
✅ Genus
Q 35: ………………. includes species like tuberosum (potato), nigrum (nightshade) and melongena (brinjal).
✅ Solanum
Q 36: Lion (leo), leopard (pardus) & tiger (tigris) are species of genus ……………….
✅ Panthera
Q 37: A group of closely related genera is ……………….
✅ Family
Q 38: Genus Solanum, Petunia & Datura belong to Family ……………….
✅ Solanaceae
Q 39: Genus Panthera & Felis belong to Family ……………….
✅ Felidae
Q 40: An assemblage of related families is called ……………….
✅ Order
Q 41: Families Convolvulaceae & Solanaceae belong to Order
✅ Polymoniales
Q 42: Families Felidae & Canidae belong to Order
✅ Carnivora
Q 43: An assemblage of related orders is known as ……………….
✅ Class
Q 44: Orders Primata, Carnivora etc. belong to class
✅ Mammalia
Q 45: An assemblage of related classes is called ……………….
✅ Phylum
Q 46: In plants, assemblage of related classes is called ……………….
✅ Division
Q 47: Classes Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia etc. come under phylum
✅ Chordata
Q 48: The assemblage of related phyla is called
✅ Kingdom
Q 49: The highest category is
✅ Kingdom
Q 50: The biological name (zoological nomenclature) of housefly is ……………….
Musca domestica
Q 51: Name the biological name (botanical nomenclature) of wheat.
Triticum aestivum
Q 52: Mango belongs to the family Anacardiaceae whereas wheat belongs to the family ……………….
✅ Poaceae
Q 53: Note the relationship between first two words and fill up the fourth place.
      Mango: Sapindales
      Wheat: ……………….
✅ Poales
Q 54: Note the relationship between first two words and fill up the fourth place.
      Human: Hominidae
      Housefly: ……………….
✅ Muscidae
Q 55: Note the relationship between first two words and fill up the fourth place.
      Housefly: Diptera
      Human: ……………….
✅ Primata
Q 56: Name the class of housefly.
✅ Insecta


Q 57: ………………. is a store house (repository) of plant specimens that are dried, pressed and preserved on sheets and are arranged according to universally accepted classification.
✅ Herbarium
Q 58: The specialized gardens having collections of living plants for reference and identification is called
✅ Botanical gardens
Q 59: Name the Famous botanical garden at Kew (England).
✅ Royal Botanical Garden
Q 60: A collection of preserved plants and animals for study and reference is known as ……………….
✅ Museum
Q 61: In which taxonomical aid are the skeletons, insect boxes and preserved specimens of plants and animals found?
✅ Museum
Q 62: The places where live wild animals are kept in protected environments under human care is called
✅ Zoological Parks (Zoos)
Q 63: ………………. is an analytical method of identification of organisms based on similarities and dissimilarities.
✅ Key
Q 64: Key is based on the contrasting characters generally in a pair called ……………….
✅ Couplet
Q 65: Each statement in the key is called a ……………….
✅ Lead
Q 66: The actual account of habitat and distribution of plant species of a given area is known as
✅ Flora
Q 67: ………………. are the record that contains information for identification of names of species found in an area.
✅ Manuals
Q 68: The records that contain information on any one taxon is called
✅ Monographs

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