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I. Answer any 3 questions from 1 – 5. Each carries 1 score. (3 x 1 = 3)

1) Fill in the blank.

In Anabaena, specialized cells called…………. help in nitrogen fixation.

✅ Heterocysts

2) There are different types of leucoplasts in plant cells. Name the leucoplast that store proteins.

✅ Aleuroplast (proteinoplast)

3) Observe the relationship between the first two terms and fill in the blank.

Epipetalous stamen –

Brinjal ………… – Lily

✅ Epiphyllous

4) Which of the following is not a Brown alga (Phaeophyceae)?

(i) Laminaria          (ii) Porphyra

(iii) Fucus                  (iv) Dictyota


5) Choose the correct answer from the bracket.

First stable product of carbon dioxide fixation in C4 plant is ………. (PGA, OAA, PEP, RUBP)


II. Answer any 9 questions from 6 – 16. Each carries 2 scores. (9 x 2 = 18)

6) Match the following:


7) Identify the types of vascular bundles A and B. Label P and Q.


A= radial vascular bundle

B= conjoint closed vascular bundle

P= Xylem

Q= Phloem

8) Ribosomes are organelles without a membrane found in all cells. Name another organelle devoid of membrane, seen in animal cells. Write its function.


Centrioles or centrosomes.

Function: Takes part in the formation of spindle apparatus during cell division.

9) Bacteria are classified into different types based on their shape. Write the name and shape of each of them.


a) Bacillus – Rod shaped

b) Coccus – Spherical shaped

c) Vibrium – Comma shaped

d) Spirillum – Spiral shaped

10) Following figure shows the citric acid cycle.
Identify and explain the steps where FADH2 and GTP are synthesized.


FADH2 – Between the conversion of succinic acid to malic acid. FAD+ is converted to FADH2.

GTP - Between the conversion of α-ketoglutaric acid to succinic acid. GDP is converted to GTP.

11) The given figure shows a plant belonging to liverworts.

Identify the plant. Name the asexual buds seen on it and write their features.


Plant: Marchantia.

Asexual bud: Gemma

Features: Gemma are green, multicellular, asexual/ vegetative buds which develop in small receptacles.

12) The light reaction phase of photosynthesis includes four important processes. What are they?


(i) Light absorption

(ii) Water splitting

(iii) Oxygen release

(iv) Formation of ATP & NADPH.

13) Write a note on the phenomenon plasticity exhibited by plants with an example.


Plants follow different pathways in response to environment or phases of life to form different kinds of structures. It is called plasticity.

Eg: Heterophylly in Cotton, Coriander and Larkspur etc.

14) What is glycolysis? Where does it occur in a cell? How many ATP molecules are directly synthesized during this process?


The breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid is called glycolysis.

It occurs in Cytoplasm.

4 ATP.

15) C4 plants have several special features as compared to C3 plants. Mention any four of them.


• They have a special type of leaf anatomy (Kranz).

• They tolerate higher temperatures.

• They show a response to high light intensities.

• They lack photorespiration.

• They have greater productivity of biomass.

16) Distinguish between RER and SER.


Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER): Bear ribosomes on their surface. RER is frequently observed in the cells actively involved in protein synthesis and secretion.

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER): Ribosomes are absent. SER is the major site for synthesis of lipid.

III. Answer any 3 questions from 17 – 20. Each carries 3 scores. (3 x 3 = 9)

17) The tissue found between the upper and lower epidermis of a leaf is called mesophyll.

a) Write the type of cells found in this tissue in a dicot leaf.

b) Mention two differences between a dicot leaf and monocot leaf.


(a) Palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma.


18) Photosynthesis is a process influenced by environmental factors as well as plant factors. Mention three factors under each category.


Plant factors: Number, size, age, orientation of leaves, mesophyll cells, chloroplasts etc.

External factors: Availability of sunlight, temperature, water, nutrients, C02 concentration etc.

19) Plant growth regulators can be employed for various agricultural and horticultural practices. Identify the growth regulators that can be used following purposes.

a) To have weed free lawns

b) To increase sugarcane length

c) Fruit set in pineapples

d) Rooting in stem cuttings

e) Inhibiting seed germination

f) To promote female flowers in cucumber


(a) 2,4-D ( 2,4- Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid) /Auxin

(b) Gibberellin/Auxin

(c) Ethylene/Auxin

(d) Auxin

(e) Abscisic acid (ABA)

(f) Ethylene/ Ethephon

20) Certain stages in cell cycle are given below.

Prophase, cytokinesis, metaphase, anaphase, telophase.

Choose the statements (from those given below) that match with these stages and prepare a table.

• Centromere split and chromosomes move to opposite poles.

• Chromosomes cluster at opposite poles and nuclear envelope assembles around.

• Chromosomes seems to be with two chromatids attached at centromere.

• Chromosomes arranged at spindle equator.

• Separation of daughter chromosomes.

• Division of cytoplasm.



I. Answer any 3 questions from 1 – 5. Each carries 1 score. (3 x 1 = 3)

1) Which one of the taxonomic categories contain organism least similar to one another?

a) Family              b) Species

c) Division          d) Genus

✅ c) Division

2) Note the relationship in the first pair and then complete the second pair.

Osteichthyes: cycloid scales

Chondrichthyes: ………………

✅ Placoid scales

3) Pneumotaxic centre is located at ………………. of the brain.

✅ Pons

4) The functional unit of muscle contraction is called ……………….

✅ Sarcomere

5) Name the canal passing through the mid brain.

✅ Cerebral aqueduct

II. Answer any 9 questions from 6 – 16. Each carries 2 scores. (9 x 2 = 18)

6) The molecular structures of 2 amino acids are given below. Name them.


(a) Serine          (b) Alanine
7) Arrange the following terms under two headings based on symmetry.

Arthropods, Ctenophores, Molluscs, Coelenterates


Radial symmetry: Coelenterates, Ctenophores

Bilateral symmetry: Arthropods, Molluscs

8) a) Expand GFR.

b) Even though GFR in healthy person is 180 liters per day, the amount of urine released per day is only about 1.5 liters. Give a reason.


a) Glomerular Filtration Rate.

b) About 99% of the filtrate is reabsorbed by the renal tubules (Tubular reabsorption).

9) Select the bones of the leg from the given list of bones.

Humerus, Tibia, Radius, Femur, Tarsals, Ulna, Fibula, Carpels


Tibia, Femur, Tarsals, Fibula
10) Events of micturition process are given below. Arrange them in correct sequence.

i. Stretch receptors send impulses to CNS.

ii. Contraction of smooth muscles of the bladder and relaxation of urethral sphincter.

iii. Gradual filling of urinary bladder causes stretching.

iv. The CNS passes on motor messages.

v. Release of urine (micturition).


iii. Gradual filling of urinary bladder causes stretching.

i. Stretch receptors send impulses to CNS.

iv. The CNS passes on motor messages.

ii. Contraction of smooth muscles of the bladder and simultaneous relaxation of the urethral sphincter.

v. Release of urine (micturition).

11) Diagrammatic representation of internal organs of frog showing complete digestive system is given below. Label the parts A to D.


A= Liver

B= Intestine

C= Rectum

D= Cloaca

12) Prepare a flow chart of cardiac impulse from the terms given below.

Bundle of His, Ventricle, SA Node, Purkinje fibers, AV Node


SA Node → AV Node → Bundle of His → Purkinje fibers → Ventricle.
13) Distinguish between the following:

a. IRV and ERV

b. IC and EC


(a) Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV): Additional volume of air that can inspire by forceful inspiration.

     Expiratory reserve volume (ERV): Additional volume of air that can expire by a forceful expiration.

(b) Inspiratory capacity (IC): Total volume of air inspired after a normal expiration.

     Expiratory capacity (EC): Total volume of air expired after a normal inspiration.

14) Complete the given flowchart.


(a) Peripheral Neural System (PNS)

(b) Spinal cord

(c) Autonomic Nervous system (ANS)

(d) Parasympathetic.

15) Observe the flowchart showing a system of sponges.

Surrounding sea water → A → B → C → surrounding sea water

a. Name the system.

b. Complete A, B and C in the flow chart.


(a) Water canal system.

(b) A= Ostia      B= Spongocoel      C= Osculum

16) Construct most suitable pairs from the following.

[Chitin, Mollusca, Collar cells, Arthropoda, Radula, Water vascular system, Porifera]


Chitin - Arthropoda

Radula - Mollusca

Collar cells - Porifera

III. Answer any 3 questions from 17 – 20. Each carries 3 scores. (3 x 3 = 9)

17) Match the terms in column A with those in column B & C.


18) a) Complete the diagrammatic representation showing the nature of enzyme action:
b) List out any two factors affecting enzyme activity.

c) Based on the reaction formulae given below, identify the classes of the enzymes.


a) (a) EP, (b) P

b) Temperature, pH, concentration of substrate etc.

c) (i) Oxidoreductases (Dehydrogenases).

     (ii) Lyases.

19) a) Name the hormones whose deficiency is responsible for the following:

i. Dwarfism

ii. Diabetes mellitus

iii. Cretinism

iv. Diuresis

b) Expand: (i) ACTH and (ii) TSH


(a) i. Growth hormone (GH) or somatotropin

ii. Insulin

iii. Thyroxin

iv. ADH (Vasopressin)

(b) (i) Adrenocorticotropic Hormone

(ii) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
20) a) A table showing examples of vertebrates given below. But some of the examples are wrongly given. Identify and rearrange it.

b) Which of the above-mentioned class is characterized by the presence of pneumatic bones?


b) Class Aves.

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