NEET Biology | Q & A with explanation - Part 9

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This includes questions from Class 11 Biology chapters.

Q 1: Which is more correct?

(1) apis indica
(2) Apis indica
(3) Apis Indica
(4) apis Indica

✅ (2) Apis indica

▶️ Scientific names are in Latin or Latinised and written in italics. When handwritten, they are underlined separately.
▶️ The first word is genus name (Generic name) and second word is the species name (specific epithet).
▶️ The Genus name starts with capital letter and the species name starts with small letter.
Q 2: Which of the following is photosynthetic prokaryote?

(1) Methanogens
(2) Nostoc
(3) Rhizobium
(4) Sulphur bacteria

✅ (2) Nostoc

▶️ Nostoc is a genus of cyanobacteria that are photosynthetic prokaryotes. They are capable of converting inorganic substances into organic substances using sunlight (photosynthesis).
▶️ Methanogens belong to Archaebacteria and are involved in methane production.
▶️ Rhizobium is heterotrophic bacteria and known for nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants.
▶️ Sulphur bacteria are Chemosynthetic autotrophs involved in sulphur cycling.
Q 3: Of the following, which group of algae are not used in or as food?

(1) Porphyra, Laminaria and Sargassum
(2) Volvox, Ulothrix and Chlamydomonas
(3) Chlorella & Spirulina
(4) Gelidium & Gracilaria

✅ (2) Volvox, Ulothrix and Chlamydomonas

▶️ Agar (from Gelidium & Gracilaria) is used to grow microbes and in ice-creams and jellies.
▶️ Protein-rich unicellular algae like Chlorella & Spirulina are used as food supplements by space travelers.
Q 4: Which of the following is incorrect about water canal system?

(1) It includes ostia, spongocoel & osculum.
(2) Water enters osculum and waste water is released out through ostia.
(3) Food gathering, respiration, circulation and excretion are performed by this system.
(4) This system is the unique feature of porifera.

✅ (2) Water enters osculum and waste water is released out through ostia.

▶️ Water canal (Water transport) system is a unique feature of phylum Porifera. Here, water enters through minute pores (ostia) in the body wall into a central cavity (spongocoel), from where it goes out through osculum.
▶️ Canal system is used for food gathering, gas exchange and removal of wastes.
Q 5: Which animal is known as Portuguese Man of War?

(1) Pennatula
(2) Physalia
(3) Aurelia
(4) Obelia

✅ (2) Physalia

All these animals belong to phylum Cnidaria.
▶️ Physalia (Portuguese man of war)
▶️ Adamsia (Sea-anemone)
▶️ Aurelia (Jellyfish)
▶️ Pennatula (Sea pen)
▶️ Gorgonia (Sea fan)
▶️ Meandrina (Brain coral)
▶️ Obelia (Sea fur)
Q 6: The pattern of arrangement of leaves on the stem or branch is called

(1) Venation
(2) Aestivation
(3) Phyllotaxy
(4) Placentation

✅ (3) Phyllotaxy

▶️ Venation is the arrangement of veins and veinlets in leaf lamina.
▶️ Aestivation is the mode of arrangement of sepals and petals in floral bud.
▶️ Placentation is the arrangement of ovules on the placenta within the ovary.
Q 7: All tissues on the inner side of the endodermis together constitute

(1) Stele
(2) Pith
(3) Pericycle
(4) Conjunctive tissue

✅ (1) Stele

▶️ All tissues on the inner side of the endodermis such as pericycle, vascular bundles and pith constitute the stele.
▶️ Presence of a distinct stele is a characteristic feature of vascular plants, which include both dicots and monocots.
▶️ Dicot roots and stems typically exhibit a clear central stele arrangement.
Q 8: Respiratory organs of frog are

(1) Lungs, gills, skin and trachea
(2) Lungs, trachea, book gills and skin
(3) Lungs, gills, skin and buccal cavity
(4) Lungs, book lungs, skin and trachea

✅ (3) Lungs, gills, skin and buccal cavity

▶️ Frogs are amphibians and have a unique respiratory system. As tadpoles, they respire through gills. As they mature into adults, they develop lungs for respiration on land. They also respire through their skin. The lining of the buccal cavity also participates in respiration.
▶️ Trachea and book lungs are not part of a frog’s respiratory system; trachea is found in insects, and book lungs are found in arachnids.
Q 9: Polysomes are

(1) Several lysosomes attached to a single mRNA to form a chain
(2) Several ribosomes attached to a single tRNA to form a chain
(3) Several ribosomes attached to a single mRNA to form a chain
(4) Several lysosomes attached to a single tRNA to form a chain

✅ (3) Several ribosomes attached to a single mRNA to form a chain

▶️ Polysomes (polyribosomes or ergosomes) are a group of ribosomes bound to an mRNA molecule like “beads” on a “thread”.
▶️ They consist of a complex of an mRNA molecule and two or more ribosomes that act to translate mRNA instructions into polypeptides.
Q 10: A DNA molecule contains 20,000 base pairs. How many nucleotides would be present in it?

(1) 2000
(2) 40,000
(3) 200,000
(4) 20,000

✅ (2) 40,000

▶️ A DNA molecule is a double helix structure, with each helix made up of a sequence of nucleotides. Each base pair consists of two nucleotides, one on each strand of the DNA.
▶️ Therefore, if a DNA molecule contains 20,000 base pairs, it would contain 2 x 20,000 = 40,000 nucleotides.
Q 11: Given below are some statements regarding mitosis Select the wrong one.

(1) It is the cell division occurring in somatic cells.
(2) It is also called equational division due to same chromosome number in parent and progeny cells.
(3) It occurs only in diploid cells.
(4) It helps to retain the same chromosome number in all somatic cells.

✅ (3) It occurs only in diploid cells.

▶️ Mitosis can occur in both diploid and haploid cells, depending on the organism and the specific stage of its life cycle.
▶️ While mitosis is more commonly associated with diploid cells, it also occurs in certain haploid cells, such as those involved in the reproductive processes of some organisms.
Q 12: The absorption spectrum & action spectrum coincide closely showing that photosynthesis is maximum at the

(1) Blue & green regions of the spectrum.
(2) Green & red regions of the spectrum.
(3) Blue & red regions of the spectrum.
(4) Blue & violet regions of the spectrum.

✅ (3) Blue & red regions of the spectrum.

▶️ In photosynthesis, the absorption spectrum and action spectrum closely coincide, indicating that photosynthesis is most efficient at wavelengths corresponding to the blue and red regions of the spectrum. These are the wavelengths of light that chlorophyll and other pigments involved in photosynthesis absorb most effectively.
Q 13: Glucose & fructose are phosphorylated to form glucose-6-phosphate by the enzyme

(1) Hexokinase
(2) Invertase
(3) ATP synthase
(4) Phosphofructokinase

✅ (1) Hexokinase

▶️ Invertase: It catalyzes the hydrolysis (breakdown) of the table sugar sucrose into fructose and glucose.
▶️ ATP Synthase: It directly generates adenosine triphosphate (ATP) during the process of cellular respiration. ATP is the main energy molecule used in cells.
▶️ Phosphofructokinase: It catalyzes the phosphorylation of fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, a key regulatory step in the glycolytic pathway.
Q 14: Which of the following are synthetic Auxins?

(1) IAA and IBA
(2) NAA and 2, 4-D
(3) NAA and IBA
(4) 2, 4-D and IAA

✅ (2) NAA and 2, 4-D

▶️ Natural auxins:
     ♦️ IAA (Indole-3-acetic acid)
     ♦️ IBA (Indole butyric acid)
▶️ Synthetic auxins:
     ♦️ NAA (naphthalene acetic acid)
     ♦️ 2, 4-D (2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic)
Q 15: What will be the pO2 and pCO2 in the atmospheric air compared to those in the alveolar air?

(1) pO2 lesser, pCO2 higher
(2) pO2 higher, pCO2 lesser
(3) pO2 higher, pCO2 higher
(4) pO2 lesser, pCO2 lesser

✅ (2) pO2 higher, pCO2 lesser

Q 16: In which of the following situations is there a risk factor for children incurring Erythroblastosis foetalis?

(1) Mother is Rh -ve and father is Rh -ve
(2) Mother is Rh -ve and father is Rh +ve
(3) Mother is Rh +ve and father is Rh +ve
(4) Mother is Rh +ve and father is Rh -ve

✅ (2) Mother is Rh -ve and father is Rh +ve

▶️ Erythroblastosis fetalis results from Rh incompatibility between a Rh-negative mother and Rh-positive fetus.
▶️ During the first pregnancy, the placenta typically prevents mixing of the blood types, but exposure of maternal blood to foetal blood during delivery can lead to maternal Rh antibody formation.
▶️ In subsequent pregnancies, these antibodies may cross into the fetus's Rh-positive blood, causing severe complications such as fetal death, anemia, and jaundice.
Q 17: The glomerular capillary blood pressure causes filtration of blood through three layers in a sequence of

(1) Endothelium → Basement membrane → Epithelium of Bowman’s capsule
(2) Epithelium of Bowman’s capsule → Endothelium → Basement membrane
(3) Basement membrane → Endothelium → Epithelium of Bowman’s capsule
(4) Epithelium of Bowman’s capsule → Basement membrane → Endothelium

✅ (1) Endothelium → Basement membrane → Epithelium of Bowman’s capsule

▶️ The glomerular capillary blood pressure causes filtration of blood through 3 layers:
♦️ 1. Endothelium of glomerular blood vessels.
♦️ 2. Epithelium of Bowman’s capsule.
♦️ 3. A basement membrane between these 2 layers.
▶️ The epithelial cells (podocytes) of the Bowman’s capsule are arranged in an intricate manner leaving some minute spaces called filtration slits (slit pores).
Q 18: Which of the following form thoracic cage of man?

(1) Ribs, sternum & thoracic vertebrae
(2) Ribs & sternum
(3) Ribs & thoracic vertebrae
(4) Ribs, sternum & lumbar vertebrae

✅ (1) Ribs, sternum & thoracic vertebrae

The thoracic cage (rib cage) consists of the following components:
▶️ 12 pairs of ribs and their associated costal cartilages
▶️ The sternum
▶️ 12 thoracic vertebrae
This cage protects the heart and lungs and provides support and stability for the upper part of the body.
Q 19: Assertion (A): Sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are antagonistic to each other.
Reason (R): Parasympathetic system prepares the body for action, while the sympathetic system calms down the body after action.

Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation for A.
Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation for A.
A is correct but R is not correct.
Both A and R are not correct.

✅ A is correct but R is not correct.

Autonomic neural system (ANS) transmits impulses from CNS to involuntary organs & smooth muscles. It includes
▶️ Sympathetic system: It prepares body to cope with emergency situations & stresses.
▶️ Parasympathetic system: It returns the body to a resting state after stressful situations.
Q 20: Receptors of protein hormones are found

(1) Inside nucleus
(2) Inside cytoplasm
(3) On surface of ER
(4) On all cell surface

✅ (4) On all cell surface

Hormone receptors are 2 types:
▶️ Membrane-bound receptors: Some hormones (e.g. protein hormone, FSH) interact with membrane-bound receptors (do not enter the target cell). It generates second messengers (e.g. cyclic AMP, IP3, Ca2+). It in turn regulates cellular metabolism and causes physiological effects.
▶️ Intracellular receptors (mostly nuclear receptors): Some hormones (e.g. steroid hormones, iodothyronines) interact with intracellular receptors. They mostly regulate gene expression or chromosome function.

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