Focus Area 2021 | Questions and Answers | Plus One Zoology | Digestion and Absorption


1. a) Observe the diagram and label A and B. (Score 2)

    b) Dental formula of permanent teeth in man is ………

i)   2122/2122                            

ii)  2123/2123                              

iii) 2102/2102                             

iv) 2122/2022  


(a) A- Canine, B- Molars

(b) ii)  2123/2123   

2.   Give one word for the following. (Score 2)

        a. Presence of 2 sets of teeth in the lifetime.
        b. Teeth are present in the socket of Jaw bone.
        c. Presence of different types of teeth.


(a) Diphyodont

(b) Thecodont

(c) Heterodont.

3.   Observe the following figure.

a.  Name the figure.

b.  Label the parts A, B and D. (Score 2)


(a) Transverse section of the human gut.

(b) A- Serosa, B- Muscularis, D- Mucosa

4.   Certain indicators regarding the layers in the wall of the alimentary canal are given. Name the layer against the indicator. (Score 2)

        a. Formed of loose connective tissue containing nerves and blood vessels.
        b. Inner most lining forms the rugae in the stomach.
        c. Formed by smooth muscles.
        d. Outermost layer made up of mesothelium.


(a) Submucosa

(b) Mucosa

(c) Muscularis

(d) Serosa

5.  Odd one out. Justify your answer. (Score 2)

Dipeptidase, lipase, Carboxypeptidase, nucleosidase



Because it is found in pancreatic juice. Others are found in intestinal juice.

6.  “The mucus and bicarbonates present in the gastric juice have an important role.” Justify. (Score 2)


They have an important role in lubrication and protection of the mucosal epithelium from the action of concentrated HCl.

7.  Complete the following flowchart:


A= Enterokinin, B= Chymotrypsinogen

C= Trypsin, D= Carboxypeptidase.

8.  Match the following: (Score 3)



a.      Jaundice

Medulla oblongata

b.     Vomiting

Feeling of fullness

c.      Diarrhoea

Skin and eye turn yellow

d.     Constipation

Marasmus & Kwashiorkor

e.      Indigestion

Reduces the absorption of food

f.      PEM

Decreased peristalsis in colon




a.    Jaundice

Skin and eye turn yellow

b.    Vomiting

Medulla oblongata

c.    Diarrhoea

Reduces the absorption of food

d.    Constipation

Decreased peristalsis in colon

e.    Indigestion

Feeling of fullness

f.     PEM

Marasmus & Kwashiorkor


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