Animal Kingdom | Class 11 | Previous Years Questions and Answers (2015 to 2020): Part 2


2020 March

1. Identify the word pair applicable to phylum Ctenophora. (Score 1)

a. Nephridia, Parapodia
b. Comb plates, Bioluminescence
c. Polyp, Metagenesis
d. Radula, Visceral hump

✔️Answer: (b) Comb plates, Bioluminescence.

2. Characteristics of certain animals are given. Arrange them under the ‘Class’ to which these animals belong. (Score 2)

i. Skin is moist without scales.
ii. Body is covered by dry and cornified skin.
iii. Shed the scales as skin cast.
iv. Can live in aquatic as well as terrestrial habitats


(i) & (iv) Class Amphibia
(ii) & (iii) Class Reptilia

3. Observe the figures. (Score 3)

a. Identify the organisms A, B & C.
b. Name the phylum to which each of them belong.


(a) A= Balanoglossus, B= Neries, C= Liver fluke (Fasciola).
(b) A= Hemichordata, B= Annelida, C= Platyhelminthes

2019 July

1. Unlike bony fishes cartilage fishes are swim constantly to avoid sinking due to the  

a. Presence of pharyngeal gill slits
b. Presence of air bladder
c. Absence of pharyngeal gill slits
d. Absence of air bladder (Score 1)


 (d) Absence of air bladder.

2. The following are organs of certain animals:

Flame cells
Proboscis gland
Comb plates

a. Select organs helps in excretion.
b. Name the organism bearing these organs and write its phylum. (Score 2)


(a) Flame cells, Proboscis gland.
(b) Flame cells: Phylum Platyhelminthes. E.g. Liver fluke.
Proboscis gland: Phylum Hemichordata. E.g. Balanoglossus.

3. Complete the Schematic diagram. (Score 3)


A= Tissue/organ/organ system
B= Bilateral
C= Pseudocoelom
D= Ctenophora
E= Mollusca
F= Hemichordata

2019 March

1. Complete the flowchart given below. (Score 2)


(a) Gnathostomata
(b) Cyclostomata
(c) Tetrapoda
(d) Osteichthyes

2. "All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates". Do you agree with this statement? Substantiate. (Score 2)


Yes. All vertebrates have notochord which is replaced by vertebral column. But there are chordates other than vertebrates (Urochordates and Cephalochordates).

3. Find the odd one from each group. Justify your answer.

a. Star fish, Devil fish, Dog fish, Jelly fish
b. Flying fish, Angel fish, Saw fish, Fighting fish
c. Sea lily, Sea cucumber, Sea hare, Sea urchin


(a) Dog fish. It is true fish. Others are not true fishes and are invertebrates.
(b) Saw fish. It comes under class chondrichthyes. Others belong to osteichthyes.
(c) Sea hare. It belongs to Mollusca. Others are echinoderms.

4. Observe the figure of the organism given below:

a. Identify the organism.
b. Name the class in which it belongs.
c. Mention any two salient features of the class. (Score 2)


(a) Hippocampus (Seahorse).
(b) Osteichthyes.
(c) Bony fishes, scales are cycloid, ctenoid etc., gills covered by operculum.

2019 Model

1. Note the relationship between two words and find a suitable word for the fourth place. (Score 1)

a. Coelenterate: Radial symmetry
Platyhelminth: ………………
b. Lizard: Poikilothermous
Crow: ……………………


(a) Bilateral symmetry.
(b) Homoeothermous.

2. Which of the following animal exhibit Metagenesis? (Score 1)

Ascaris, Obelia, Earthworm, Crab 

✔️Answer: Obelia

3. Who am I? (Score 2)

1) live in sea
2) respire through gills
3) excrete by proboscis gland
4) My body consists of proboscis, collar and trunk.

a. Identify the phylum.
b. Give one example from the phylum.


(a) Hemichordata
(b) Balanoglossus

4. From a fish market, you got a fish, on a close watching your friend says it is a cartilaginous fish.

a. Which characters helped him to identify it as a cartilaginous fish (any four characters)?
b. Name the class it belongs. (Score 2)


(a) Placoid scales, ventral mouth, operculum absent, air bladder absent.
(b) Chondrichthyes. 

2018 August

1. Note the relation in the first pair and then complete the second pair. (Score 1)

Fasciola: Liver fluke
Taenia: .........?........

✔️Answer: Tapeworm

2. Find out the odd one and justify your answer. (Score 2)

Saw Fish, Jelly fish, flying fish, Angel Fish, Dog Fish 


Jelly fish. It is a cnidarian (not fish). Others are fishes.

3. Name of certain animals are given below. Write the phylum of each animal. (Score 2)
a) Pila
b) Pleurobrachia
c) Neries
d) Balanoglossus


a) Mollusca
b) Ctenophora
c) Annelida
d) Hemichordata

4. Observe the diagram showing the characteristics of a phylum. (Score 3) 

a. Identify the Phylum.
b. Name the Part labeled ‘A’.
c. Point out the three fundamental characters of the phylum.


a) Chordata
b) Nerve cord.
c) Presence of notochord.
Presence of pharyngeal gill slits.
Presence of post anal tail.

2018 March

1. Note the relationship in the first pair and then complete the second pair. (Score 1)

Osteichthyes: Cycloid scales
Chondrichthyes: …………...

✔️Answer: Placoid scales.

2. Arrange the following terms under two headings based on symmetry (Score 1)

Arthropods. Ctenophores, Molluscs, Coelenterates 


Radial symmetry: Coelenterates, Ctenophores.
Bilateral symmetry: Arthropods, Molluscs.

3. a) A table showing examples of vertebrates given below. But some of the examples are wrongly given. Identify and rearrange it. (Score 3)











Blue whale




Flying fox

b) Which of the above-mentioned class is characterised by the presence of pneumatic bone?












Blue whale





Flying fox

(b) Class Aves.

2018 Model

1. Find out the pseudocoelomate animal from the following: (Score 1)

Tapeworm, Hookworm, Earthworm. Honeybee 

✔️Answer: Hookworm.

2. a) Identify the organism. (Score 2)

b) Name the class in which it belongs to?
c) Write any one characteristic feature of the class?


(a) Seahorse (Hippocampus).
(b) Osteichthyes.
(c) Gills covered by operculum.

3. a) Classify the given organisms under the heading Poikilothermous and homoiothermous.

Rat, Frog, Dog fish, Ostrich 

b) Define the terms poikilothermous and homoiothermous. (Score 2)


(a) Poikilothermous: Frog, Dog fish.
Homoiothermous: Rat, Ostrich. 

(b) Poikilothermous (Cold-blooded): Animals that lack the capacity to regulate their body temperature.
Homoiothermous (warm-blooded): Animals having ability to maintain a constant body temperature.

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