2020 SAY| HSE +2 Exam | Botany - Answers

 BOTANY (2020 SAY)


1.   (b) Lichen

2.   (d) Kangaroo rat

3.   Nutrition

4.   Expanding/ Broad based age pyramid.

5.   Emphysema

6.   (a) Algal bloom is the presence of large amount of nutrients in water resulting in excess growth of planktonic algae.

(b) i) imparts a distinct colour to the water bodies.

ii) cause deterioration of water quality and fish mortality.

7.   (a) Leech / Earthworm.

(b) It is the organism that has both male and female reproductive organs.

8.   Scrubber: Removes gases like sulphur dioxide from exhaust.

Electrostatic precipitator: Removes particulate matter present in the exhaust.




(a)   Ginger


(b)   Water hyacinth


(c)    Agave


(d)   Bryophyllum

Leaf bud

10.  (a) Denaturation

(b) Annealing

(c) Extension

(d) Taq polymerase

11. (a) Anthers and stigma lie close to each other. They are not exposed.

(b) It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same flower.

12.  E = Escherichia (Genus name of bacteria)

Co = Coli (Species name of bacteria)

R = Strain

I = First extracted enzyme (Order of extraction).

13. (a) Biomagnification.

(b) High concentrations of DDT disturb calcium metabolism in birds that causes thinning of eggshell.

14. GEAC = Genetic Engineering Approval Committee.

ADA = Adenosine deaminase.

15. (a) a. Funicle, b. Micropyle, c. Integuments.

(b) Protective covering of ovule.

16. (a) Bacillus thuringiensis.

(b) cryIAc, cryIAb, cryIIAb

17. (a)  (i) Collection of variability

(ii) Evaluation and selection p

(iii) Cross hybridisation among

(iv)Selection and testing of

(v) Testing, release and commercialization of new cultivars

(b) Sonalika/ Kalyan Sona

18. (a) i. 0             ii. Mutualism.

(b) Mutualism is the interaction that confers benefits for both interacting species.

(c) Orchid and Mango tree / Grazing cattle and egret etc.

19. (a) Synergids and egg.

(b) In this, one of the megaspores is functional while other three are degenerate.

20. (a) 1. Fragmentation, 2. Leaching, 3. Catabolism, 4. Humifaction, 5. Mineralization.

(b) Earthworm.

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