2019 JULY Improvement | HSE +1 Exam | Botany Question Paper

2019 JULY Improvement (+1) 

Answer all questions from 1 to 3. Each carries 1 score. (3 X 1 = 3)

1. Which among the following is an example for flagellated protozoan?

a. Amoeba
b. Paramoecium
c. Trypanosoma
d. Plasmodium

2. A simple gaseous Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) is ..................

3. Crossing over occurs in ............. substage of Prophase-I.

a. Leptotene
b. Zygotene
c. Diplotene
d. Pachytene

Answer any 9 questions from 4 to 14. Each carries 2 Score. (9 X 2 = 18)

4. Plants that are adapted to dry tropical regions have the C4 pathway. Write any two advantages of C4 plants over C3 plants.

5. RuBisCO is the most abundant enzyme in the plant world. How does RuBisCO involve in photorespiration?

6. Observe the diagram given below. 

a. Identify the type of plant culture.
b. Write any two uses of this type of plant culture.

7. "There are several reasons why plants can get along without respiratory organs." Justify the above statement by citing two reasons.

8. Many plants show plasticity during their life span.

a. What is plasticity?
b. Give one example.

9. Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose into pyruvic acid.

a. Where does glycolysis occur in a cell?
b. Why is glycolysis a partial oxidation?

10. Given below is the diagrammatic representation of a particular stage of mitosis:

a. Identify the stage.
b. Write any two features of this stage.

11. Draw the given flow chart in your answer sheet. Fill the blank columns.

12. Though transpiration results in loss of water, it has many purposes. List out any four advantages of transpiration.

13. Match the columns A and B.



  i.     Prothallus

 ii.     Sporophylls

iii.     Coralloid roots

iv.     Protonema

a)   Mosses

b)   Plant body of algae

c)   Gametophyte of Pteridophytes

d)   Sporangia bearing leaves

e)   Nitrogen fixation

14. Fill the blanks in the flowchart given below. Which organelle possesses hydrolytic enzymes?

Answer any 3 questions from 15 to 18. Each carries 3 Scores. (3 X 3=9)

15. Transport of electrons through ETS of the chloroplast results photophosphorylation. Write any three differences between cyclic and non-cyclic photo-phosphorylation.

16. The following are the anatomical features of flowering plants. Arrange these features in the table given below :

i. Exarch xylem
ii. Presence of hypodermis
iii. Palisade parenchyma cells
iv. Conjoint and open vascular bundles
v. Endodermis with casparian strips
vi. Large empty bulliform cells










17. Observe the given floral diagram.

a. Identify the family.
b. Write down any two distinguishing features of gynoecium.
c. Write any two economically useful plants belonging to this family.

18. An improved model of the structure of plasma membrane was proposed by Singer and Nicholson.

a. What is this model called?
b. Which component forms bilayer?
c. Identify two types of proteins present in cell membrane.

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