2018 JULY Improvement | HSE +1 Exam | Botany - Answers

 2018 JULY Improvement (+1)

1.   Kinetochore

2.   RuBisCO

3.   (iv) All of these

4.   (b) Stele.

5.   A – Opposite: Leaves lie opposite to each other (A pair of leaves at each node).

B – Whorled: More than two leaves at each node

6.   Telophase.

Features: Chromosomes cluster at opposite poles. Reforms nuclear envelope.

7.   It is the concentration of the essential element below which plant growth is retarded.

Deficiency symptoms: Chlorosis, Necrosis, Stunted growth etc.


Column A

Column B

a.    Prothallus

iii. Thalloid gametophyte of pteridophyte

b.   Protonema

v. Gametophytic stage of mosses

c.    Antheridium

iv. Male sex organs in bryophytes

d.   Gemmae

i. Asexual buds in liverwort

9.    9.   A= Lactic acid, B= Ethanol.

Bacteria produces lactic acid. Yeast produces ethanol..

10. Dicot stem.

Features of vascular bundles: Conjoint, open, cambium present.

11. The inner wall of guard cells is thick and elastic. Outer wall remains thin.

12. A= FeS


C= Cyt b

D= Cyt C

13. Asparagine & Glutamine.

They are formed from aspartic acid and glutamic acid by addition of another amino group to each.

14. (a) Nucleolus

(b) Nuclear pores.

Function: Movement of RNA and Protein takes place in both directions between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.

15. (a) Impermeable and hard seed coat. Presence of abscisic acids.

(b) Seed coats can be broken by mechanical abrasions using knives, sand paper / vigorous shaking / application of gibberellic acid and nitrates.


Cyclic photo-phosphorylation

Non-Cyclic photo-phosphorylation

Only photosystem I is functional.

Formation of ATP only.

No oxygen release.

Formation of ATP & NADPH2.

Both photosystem l and photosystem II are involved.

Splitting of water

17. Actinomorphic / Radial: A flower can be divided into two equal halves through the centre in any plane.

Zygomorphic / bilateral: A flower can be divided into two equal halves through the centre only in one plane.

Asymmetric / irregular: A flower cannot be divided into two equal halves by any plane through the centre.

18. Chloroplast.

Chloroplast contains a membranous system. It consists of grana, stroma lamellae and matrix stroma.

Each granum is a group of membrane-bound sacs called thylakoids (lamellae). They contain leaf pigments (chlorophyll).

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