Sexual reproduction in flowering plants: Previous Year Questions Part 3


2015 MARCH
1.     (a) Reeja a science student observed the structure of mature embryo sac comprising antipodals, central cells and egg apparatus. Explain each one of them.                                                                                                (Scores: 1+2+1=4)

(b) Three different flowers are given to you in the practical class.
(i) Maize                (ii) Vallisneria                       (iii) Rose
You are asked to group them based on pollinating agents. Describe the adaptations of each flower related with the agents of pollination.                    (Scores:1+1+1+1=4)
2015 SAY
1.     The chromosome number of onion is = 16 (2n). Find the chromosome number in the following cells with reasons.
a.     Endosperm cells          b.   Zygote (Scores: 1+1 =2)
2.     You are supplied with three different flowers such as Maize, Vallisneria and Rose and they have different pollinating agents also.
a.     Differentiate the type of pollination.
b.     Write their various adaptability in the plants suited to pollination.                                      (Scores: 1+3=4)
2016 MARCH
1.     In some seeds the nucellus may be persistent. Such nucellus is called
(a)     Endosperm                  (b)  Scutellum
(b)     Plumule                        (d)  Perisperm      (score : 1)
2.     What is a false fruit? Cite an example.    (Scores: 2)
3.     A unisexual flower having no androecium is called
a)   Dithecous                        (b) Dioecious
b)   Monoecious                    (d) Pistillate           (Scores : 1)
2016 SAY
1.     The development of pollen grains in Angiosperms is called
a.     Microsporogenesis S                  b. Embryogenesis
c.     Megasporogenesis                      d. Gametogenesis (Score: 1)
2.     Which of the following part in a flower is haploid?
a.     Anther wall                    b.   Pollen mother cell
c.     Synergid                        d.   Secondary nucleus       (Score 1)
3.     The hard outer layer of pollen is composed of
a.     Exine              b.  Intine                c.  Integument                      d.  Sporopollenin                                 (Score 1)
4.     Observe the following diagram and label A, B, C & D.                                                                                       (Scores: 2)
MARCH 2017
1.     When the pollen is transferred from anther to the stigma of the same flower, the pollination is called autogamy.
(a) Cleistogamous flowers are invariably autogamous. Explain.                                                                         (Score: 1)
(b) Geitonogamy is functionally cross pollination, but genetically similar to autogamy. Justify the statement. (Score: 1)
2.     The thick protective covering of the fruit is known as …………………                                                              (Score: 1)
MARCH 2018
1.     Synergids have a special cellular thickening at micropylar tip. Write the name of name and function of the structure.
2.     In angiosperms, female gametophyte is known as embryo sac. Explain its development.

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