Neural control and coordination: Previous Year Questions Part 2


2013 MARCH
1.     Arrange the following processes in nerve impulse conduction in a sequential order. (3)
a.   Bursting of synaptic vesicle
b.   Development of action potential
c.    Na- K+ pump starts functioning
d.   Stimulus received and influx of Na+ ions
e.   Binding of neurotransmitter with post synaptic membrane
f.    Maintenance of resting potential                 
1.     Nerve impulse transmission involves:
* Maintenance of resting potential            
* Development of action potential            
* Propagation of action potential
a.   Diagrammatically represent the polarized and depolarized state of axon of a neuron. (1)
b.   Describe how the resting potential of a neuron is maintained. (1)
c.    “Electrical currents fade as they pass along a wire but nerve impulses do not fade as they pass along neurons.” Evaluate the statement and substantiate your answer. (1)
2014 MARCH
1.     Write the functions of parts 1 and 4. Label the parts 2 and 3 in the following figure showing a synapse.                                  (No need to copy the picture)            (3)
1.     Given below are the stages in the generation of optic nerve impulse or action potential on the retina and the role of opsin and retinal in the mechanism of vision. Arrange them in a correct order.
a.   Action potential (impulses) are transmitted by the optic nerves to the visual cortex area of the brain.
b.   Light induces dissociation of retinal from opsin.
c.    Generates action potential in the ganglion cells through bipolar cells.
d.   Structural changes in the opsin which induce membrane permeability changes.
e.   Potential differences are generated in the photoreceptor cells.
f.    Neural impulses are analyzed by the visual cortex area of the brain. (3)         
MARCH 2015
1.     a) Prepare a pathway of an action by using following hint.
[Hint: Receptor, Motor neuron, Afferent neuron, Efferent neuron, Interneuron in the spinal cord, Effector organ]
b) Give an example of such an action. (3)
Compare rods and cones of the retina based on the following features.
i)     Shape         ii)   Type           iii)   Ability to detect colour
iv)   Pigments     v)   Vision
1.     Where do you find the following structures in human body?
a.     Cochlea                         b.   Neurotransmitters (1)
2.     Mention the functions of the following structures in human body. (Hint: Any two each) (2)
a.     Hypothalamus             b.   Axon
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