Vitamins: Sources, Functions, Deficiency diseases -1

Fat Soluble Vitamins

Discovered by
Daily requirement
Vitamin A (Retinol, carotenoid, anti- xerophthalmic vitamin, vitamin of growth)
Mc Collum & Davis (isolated by Holmus)
2 mg
Carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, tomato, yellow coloured fruits, pink grape fruits, apricots, leafy vegetables (Animals synthesize this vitamin from carotene. So it is called Provitamin A.
Fish liver oil, butter, egg yolk, milk, cod liver oil, ghee
Synthesis of muco- polysaccharides so important for body growth.

Maintain integrity and secretory activity of epithelial glandular cells.

Night vision
Nyctalopia (Henerolopia)
Increased susceptibility to infection and cancer
Keratomalacia (Toad’s skin)
Stunted growth
Vitamin D (Antirachitic vitamin, alciferol, sunshine vitamin
5 forms: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5
Steenbock & Hess
0.01 mg
Fish liver oil, butter, milk, egg, cheese, margarine, cream, oysters & cereals.
Synthesized in skin from ergosterol (Provitamin D)
Ca/ P balance
Increase absorption of Ca from intestine.
Rickets (in children)
Osteomalacia (Especially in pregnant woman)
Vitamin E (Tocopherol, antisterility vitamin, fertility factor, beauty vitamin)
3 forms: α, β & γ
Evans & Sore
15 mg
Wheat germ, corn, nuts, seeds, olives, spinach, asparagus, leafy vegetables, vegetable oils, and their products, margarine, cotton seed oils
Antioxidant and prevents oxidative destruction of other vitamins (E.g. vit.K)

Prevents formation of unsaturated fatty acids so prevents brown pigmentation

Normal working of gonads

Normal child birth

Removes wrinkles of skin, scars
Vitamin K (Phylloquinone/ antihaemerrhagic vitamin)
3 forms:
K1 (phylloquinone) K2 (menaquinone) K3 (mandione)
Dam & Droisy
0.07-0.14 mg
Cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, soyabeans, cereals, liver, egg yolk.
K2 - by intestinal bacteria
K3 - synthetic form.
Formation of prothrombin from liver cells

Blood coagulation

Acts as coenzyme Q and participates in ETC.
Profuse bleeding (Haemerrhage)

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