Scientific Instruments

1.                  Absorptiometer
To measure solubility of gases in liquids
2.                  Accelerometer
To measure acceleration or vibrations
3.                  Acetimeter
To measure strength of vinegar
4.                  Acidimeter
To measure concentration of acids
5.                  Actinograph
To calculate time of photographic exposure
6.                  Actinometer
To measure incident radiation
7.                  Aerometer
To measure weight or density of gas
8.                  Aethrioscope
To measure temperature variations due to sky conditions
9.                  Alcoholometer
To measure proportion of alcohol in solutions
10.             Alcovinometer
To measure strength of wine
11.             Algometer
To measure sensitivity to pain
12.             Alkalimeter
To measure strength of alkalines
13.             Altimeter
To measure altitude
14.             Ammeter
To measure electrical current
15.             Anemograph
To measure pressure and velocity of wind
16.             Anemometer
To measure wind velocity
17.             Areometer
To measure specific gravity
18.             Atmometer
To measure evaporating capacity of air
19.             Audiometer
To measure acuity of hearing
20.             Auriscope
For examining the ear
21.             Auxanometer
To measure growth of plants
22.             Auxometer
To measure magnifying power
23.             Ballistocardiograph
To detect body movements caused by heartbeat
24.             Barograph
To record air pressure
25.             Barometer
To measure air pressure
26.             Baroscope
27.             Bathymeter
To record contours of deep oceans
28.             Bathythermograph
To record water temperature as compared to depth
29.             Bolometer
To measure radiant energy or infrared light
30.             Calorimeter
To measure absorbed or evolved heat
31.             Cardiograph
To record movements of the heart
32.             Cathetometer
To measure short vertical distances
33.             Ceilometer
To measure height of cloud ceiling above earth
34.             Ceraunograph
To record thunder and lightning
35.             Chlorometer
To measure amount of chlorine in a solution
36.             Chromatograph
To perform chromatographic separations
37.             Chromatoptometer
To measure eyes' sensitivity to colour
38.             Chronograph
To record the moment of an event
39.             Chronometer
To measure time
40.             Chronoscope
To measure very short time intervals
41.             Clinometer
Used to measure slopes and elevations
42.             Coercimeter
To measure coercive force
43.             Colorimeter
To measure and determining color
44.             Coronagraph
To view the corona of the sun
45.             Coulombmeter
To measure electric charge
46.             Coulometer
To measure amount of substance released in electrolysis
47.             Craniometer
To measure the skull
48.             Cratometer
To measure power of magnification
49.             Crescograph
To measure the growth of plants
50.             Cryometer
To measure low temperatures
51.             Cryoscope
To determine freezing points of substances
52.             Cyanometer
To measure blueness of the sky or ocean
53.             Cyclograph
To describe arcs of circles without compasses
54.             Cyclometer
To measure revolutions of a wheel
55.             Cymograph
For tracing the outline of mouldings
56.             Cymometer
To measure frequency of electrical waves
57.             Cytometer
For counting cells
58.             Decelerometer
To measure deceleration
59.             Declinometer
To measure magnetic declination
60.             Dendrometer
To measure trees
61.             Densimeter
To measure closeness of grain of a substance
62.             Densitometer
To measure optical or photographic density
63.             Diagometer
To measure electrical conductivity
64.             Diagraph
For enlarging or projecting drawings
65.             Diaphanometer
To measure the transparency of air
66.             Dichroscope
For examining crystals for dichroism
67.             Diffractometer
To determine structure of crystal through light diffraction
68.             Dilatometer
To measure expansion
69.             Dioptometer
To measure focus or refraction of eyes
70.             Dipleidoscope
To measure moment when an object passes a meridian
71.             Diplograph
For writing two lines of text at once
72.             Dosimeter
To measure dose of radiation
73.             Dromometer
To measure speed
74.             Drosometer
To measure dew
75.             Durometer
To measure hardness of substances
76.             Dynamograph
To record mechanical forces
77.             Dynamometer
To measure mechanical force
78.             Ebullioscope
To measure boiling point of liquids
79.             Effusiometer
For comparing molecular weights of gases
80.             Eidograph
For copying drawings
81.             Eikonometer
To measure the size of images on the retina
82.             Elatrometer
To measure gaseous pressure
83.             Electrocardiograph
To record electrical fluctuations of heart
84.             Electrodynamo-meter
To measure electrical current
85.             Electroencephalograph
To measure the brain's electrical impulses
86.             Electrograph
To record electrical potential
87.             Electrometer
To measure electrical potential
88.             Electromyograph
For diagnosing neuromuscular disorders
89.             Electroretinograph
To measure electrical activity in the retina
90.             Electroscope
To detect electrical charges in the body
91.             Ellipsograph
For describing ellipses
92.             Encephalograph
To record brain images
93.             Endoscope
For visualizing interior of a hollow organ (see 534-556)
94.             Endosmometer
To measure osmosis into a solution
95.             Epidiascope
For projecting images of objects
96.             Episcope
For projecting images of opaque objects
97.             Ergograph
To measure and recording muscular work
98.             Ergometer
To measure work performed
99.             Eriometer
To measure very small diameters
100.         Eudiometer
To measure air purity
101.         Evaporimeter
To measure rate of evaporation
102.         Exophthalmometer
To measure the degree of protrusion of the eye ball
103.         Extensometer
To measure deformation in object due to forces applied
104.         Fathometer
To measure underwater depth using sound fiberscope
105.         Goniometer
To measure angles such as those made in joint movements
106.         Gonioscope
To view the structures around the edge of the interior chamber of eye in front of the lens.
107.         Interferometer
To analyse spectra of light
108.         Iriscope
For exhibiting the prismatic colours
109.         Katathermometer  (Psychrometer)
To measure the cooling power of air
110.         Katharometer
To measure changes in gas composition
111.         Keratometer (Ophthalmometer)
To measure curvature of the cornea
112.         Keratoscope (Placido’s disc)
To detect abnormal curvature of the cornea
113.         Keraunograph
To record distant thunderstorms
114.         Kinesthesiometer
To measure a patient’s awareness of muscular and joint movements.
115.         Kinetoscope
For producing curves by combination of circular movements
116.         Konimeter
To measure  amount of dust in air
117.         Koniscope
To measure dust in air
118.         Kymograph
To record fluid (blood) pressure and flow
119.         Labidometer
To measure size of the head of a fetus
120.         Lactometer
To test relative density of milk
121.         Lactoscope
To measure purity or richness of milk
122.         Lanameter
To measure quality of wool
123.         Laryngoscope
For examining interior of the larynx
124.         Leptometer
To measure oil viscosity
125.         Loxodograph
Device used to record ship's travels
126.         Lucimeter
To measure light intensity
127.         Luxmeter
To measure illumination
128.         Lysimeter
To measure percolation of water through soil
129.         Magnetograph
To record measurements of magnetic fields
130.         Magnetometer
To measure intensity of magnetic fields
131.         Manometer
To measure pressure of a liquid or gas
132.         Marigraph
To record tide levels
133.         Mecometer
To measure length
134.         Megameter
To determine longitude by observing stars
135.         Megascope
For projecting an enlarged image
136.         Mekometer
137.         Meldometer
To measure melting points of substances
138.         Meteorograph
Recording a variety of meteorological observations
139.         Methanometer
To detect presence of methane
140.         Microbarograph
To record minute changes in atmospheric pressure
141.         Microcalorimeter
To measure tiny quantities of heat
142.         Micrograph
To write on a very small scale
143.         Micrometer
To measure very small distances
144.         Micronometer
To measure short periods of time
145.         Microscope
To magnify small objects
146.         Microseismograph
To record small or distant earthquakes
147.         Microseismometer
To measure small or distant earthquakes
148.         Mileometer
To record distance travelled in miles
149.         Milliammeter
To record very small electrical currents
150.         Myograph
To record muscular contractions
151.         Myringoscope
To view the eardrum
152.         Nebulizer
To apply a liquid in the form of a fine spray
153.         Nephelometer
To measure cloudiness
154.         Nephograph
For photographing clouds
155.         Nephoscope
To observe direction & velocity of clouds
156.         Nitrometer
To measure nitrogen and its compounds
157.         Odograph
Odometer; To measure distance travelled
158.         Odometer
To measure distance travelled
159.         Odontograph
For obtaining curves for gear-teeth
160.         Oenometer
To measure alcoholic strength of wine
161.         Ohmmeter
To measure electrical resistance
162.         Oleometer
To measure amount of oil in a substance
163.         Olfactometer
To measure intensity of odour of a substance
164.         Ombrometer
165.         Oncometer
To measure change in size of internal organs
166.         Oncosimeter
To measure variations in density of molten metal
167.         Ondograph
To measure change in wave formations of electricity
168.         Oometer
To measure eggs
169.         Opacimeter
To measure opacity
170.         Opeidoscope
For illustrating sound by means of light
171.         Ophthalmometer (Keratometer)
To measure the eye
172.         Opisometer
To measure curved lines
173.         Opsiometer
To test vision
174.         Optometer (refractometer)
To test vision
175.         Orchidometer
To measure the size of the testicles
176.         Oscillograph
To record alternating current wave forms
177.         Oscillometer
To measure ship's rollings
178.         Oscilloscope
To detect electrical fluctuations
179.         Osmometer
To measure osmotic pressure
180.         Oximeter
To measure the proportion of oxyhemoglobin in blood
181.         Oxygenator
To oxygenate the blood outside the body
182.         Pachymeter
To measure small thicknesses
183.         Pallograph
To measure ship's vibration
184.         Pantochronometer
Combined sundial and compass
185.         Pantograph
To copy drawing to a different scale
186.         Passimeter
To issue automatic tickets
187.         Pedometer
To measure distance travelled on foot
188.         Peirameter
To measure resistance of road surfaces to wheel movement
189.         Pelvimeter
To measure the pelvis
190.         Penetrometer
To measure firmness or consistency of substances
191.         Perimeter
To map the absolute extend of the visual field
192.         Permeameter
To measure permeability
193.         Phacometer
To measure lenses
194.         Phaometer
To measure light intensity
195.         Pharmacometer
To measure drugs
196.         Phonautograph
To record sound vibrations
197.         Phonendoscope
To amplify small sounds
198.         Phonometer
To measure sound levels
199.         Phorometer
To correct abnormalities in eye muscles
200.         Photometer
To measure light intensity
201.         Photopolarimeter
To measure intensity and polarization of reflected light
202.         Phototachometer
To measure the speed of light
203.         Phototelegraph
To transmit drawings telegraphically
204.         Phthongometer
To measure intensity of vowel sounds
205.         Piezometer
To measure pressure or compressibility
206.         Pitchometer
To measure angles of ship's propeller blades
207.         Planigraph
For copying drawings at a different scale
208.         Planimeter
To measure area of plane figures
209.         Platometer
To measure area; planimeter
210.         Plegometer
To measure the strength of a blow
211.         Plemyrameter
To measure variations in water level
212.         Plethysmograph
To measure change in body part size due to blood flow
213.         Pluviograph
Self-registering rain gauge
214.         Pluviometer
215.         Pneometer
To measure respiration
216.         Pneumatometer
To measure quantity of air breathed
217.         Pneumograph
To measure and recording respiration
218.         Polarimeter
To measure polarised light
219.         Polariscope
To detect polarized light
220.         Polygraph
To measure small changes in pulse and respiration
221.         Porometer
To measure degree of porosity
222.         Poroscope
For investigating porosity
223.         Potentiometer
To measure electromotive forces
224.         Potometer
To measure rate at which plants absorb water
225.         Prisoptometer
To measure degree of astigmatism
226.         Proptometer
See exophthalmometer
227.         Refractometer
See Optometer
228.         Respirator
To maintain the breathing movements of paralyzed patients.
229.         Retinoscope
To determine the power of refraction of eye
230.         Scintillascope
To produce a scintigram
231.         Snare
To remove polyps, tumors and other projections of tissues
232.         Spatula
To spread ointments or plasters
233.         Spectrograph
Produces a photographic record (spectrogram) of the intensity and wavelength of electromagnetic radiation
234.         Spectrometer
To measure the intensity and wavelength of electromagnetic radiation
235.         Spectrophotometer (a spectrometer)
To measure the intensity of the wavelength of the components of the light
236.         Spectroscope
Used to split up light and other radiations into components of different wavelengths
237.         Speculum
To insert into and holding open a cavity such as vagina, rectum or nasal orifice to examine the interior
238.         Sphygmocardiograph
To produce a continuous record of both the heartbeat and the subsequent pulse in one of the blood vessels
239.         Sphygmograph
To produce a continuous pulse in one of the blood vessels
240.         Sphygmomanometer
To measure the blood pressure in the arteries
241.         Sphygmophone
To record the heartbeat or pulse in the form of amplified sound waves played through a loudspeaker or earphones
242.         Sphygmoscope
To show the heartbeat or pulse as a visible signal
243.         Spirograph
To record breathing movements
244.         Spirometer
To measure the volume of air inhaled and exhaled`
245.         Stactometer
Pipette with hollow bulb for counting drops
246.         Stadiometer
To measure the length of a curved line
247.         Stagmometer
To measure number of drops in volume of liquid
248.         Stalagmometer
To measure surface tension by drops
249.         Statoscope
To measure small changes in atmospheric pressure
250.         Stauroscope
To study structure of crystals with polarised light
251.         Stenometer
To measure distances
252.         Stereometer
To measure specific gravity
253.         Stereoscope
To view special 3-D photographs
254.         Stethograph
To record chest movements during breathing
255.         Stethometer
To measure chest expansion during breathing
256.         Stethoscope
To detect sounds produced by the body
257.         Strabismometer
To measure degree of squinting
258.         Strabometer
To measure strabismus in the eyes
259.         Stroboscope
For studying motion using flashes of light
260.         Stylometer
To measure columns
261.         Swingometer
To measure swing in votes during an election
262.         Sympiesometer
To measure pressure of a current
263.         Synchroscope
To detect whether two moving parts are synchronized
264.         Tacheometer
To measure survey points on a map
265.         Tachistoscope
To show images on a screen to test perception
266.         Tachograph
To record speed of rotation
267.         Tachometer
To measure speed of rotation
268.         Taseometer
To measure stress in a structure
269.         Tasimeter
To measure changes in pressure
270.         Taximeter
To measure fee for hired vehicle
271.         Telemeter
To measure strain or distance from observer
272.         Telescope
To view objects at great distances
273.         Telespectroscope
To analyse radiation omitted by distant bodies
274.         Telestereoscope
To view distant objects stereoscopically
275.         Tellurometer
Using microwaves to measure distance
276.         Tenderometer
To measure tenderness of fruits & vegetables
277.         Tensimeter
To measure vapour pressure
278.         Tensiometer
To measure tension
279.         Thalassometer
To measure tides
280.         Thermograph
To record changes in temperature
281.         Thermometer
To measure temperature
282.         Thermometrograph
To record changes in temperature
283.         Thermoscope
To indicate change in temperature
284.         Tiltmeter
To measure tilting of earth's surface
285.         Tintometer
To measure the depth of colour in liquid
286.         Tocodynamometer
To measure uterine contractions during childbirth
287.         Tomograph
To view section of an object using X-rays
288.         Tonometer
To measure pitch of musical tones
To measure pressure in a part of body (e.g. ophthalmotonometer)
289.         Topophone
To determine direction and distance of a fog-horn
290.         Torsiograph
To record torsional vibrations on an object
291.         Transmissometer
To measure transmission of light through a fluid
292.         Trechometer
To determine distance travelled; odometer
293.         Tremograph
To record involuntary muscular motion
294.         Tribometer
To measure friction
295.         Trigonometer
For solving triangles
296.         Trocheameter
Counting wheel's revolutions
297.         Tromometer
To measure slight earthquake shocks
298.         Tropometer
To measure rotation
299.         Turbidimeter
To measure turbidity of liquids
300.         Turgometer
To measure turgidity
301.         Typhlograph
To help the blind write clearly
302.         Udometer
To measure rainfall
303.         Ultramicroscope
To view extremely small objects
304.         Urethroscope
To view the interior of the urethra
305.         Urinometer
To measure specific gravity of urine
306.         Vaporimeter
To measure vapour pressure
307.         Variometer
To measure magnetic declination
308.         Velocimeter
To measure velocity
309.         Velometer
To measure speed of air
310.         Viameter
To measure revolutions of a wheel
311.         Vibrograph
To record vibrations
312.         Vibrometer
To measure vibrations
313.         Viscometer
To measure viscosity
314.         Visometer
To measure focal length of the eye
315.         Voltameter
To measure electrical current indirectly
316.         Voltmeter
To measure electrical potential
317.         Volumenometer
To measure volume of a solid
318.         Volumeter
To measure volume of a liquid or gas
319.         Wattmeter
To measure electrical power
320.         Wavemeter
To measure wavelengths
321.         Weatherometer
To measure weather-resisting properties of paint
322.         Xanthometer
To measure colour of sea or lake water
323.         Xylometer
To measure specific gravity of wood
324.         Zymometer
To measure fermentation
325.         Zymosimeter
To measure fermentation
326.         Amnioscope
To examine amnion
327.         Anoscope
To examine anus
328.         Arthroscope
To examine interior of a joint
329.         Auriscope
See otoscope
330.         Bronchoscope
To examine lower respiratory tract
331.         Cholangio-pancreatoscope
To examine gall bladder and pancreas
332.         Colonoscope, sigmoidoscope
To examine large intestine/colon
333.         Colposcope (vaginoscope)
To examine vagina and cervix of the uterus
334.         Cystoscope
To examine urinary bladder and tract
335.         Duodenoscope
To examine duodenum
336.         Enteroscope
To examine small intestine
337.         Epiduroscope
To examine epidural space
338.         Esophagogastro-duodenoscope
To examine esophagus, stomach and duodenum
339.         Falloposcope
To examine fallopian tubes
340.         Fetoscope
To examine fetus
341.         Gastroscope
To examine stomach
342.         Hysteroscope (Uteroscope)
To examine uterus
343.         Laparoscope (Peritoneoscope)
To examine abdominal or pelvic cavity (interior of peritoneal cavity)
344.         Laryngoscope
To examine larynx
345.         Mediastinoscope
To examine organs of the chest
346.         Ophthalmoscope
To view the interior of the eye
347.         Otoscope (auriscope)
To examine ear
348.         Panendoscope or triple endoscope
349.         Pharyngoscope
To examine the pharynx
350.         Proctoscope
To examine rectum and anus
351.         Rectoscope
To examine rectum
352.         Resectoscope
For resection of the prostate or in the removal of bladder tumors
353.         Rhinoscope
To examine nose
354.         Sigmoidoscope
See Colonoscope
355.         Thoracoscope
To examine organs of the chest
356.         Thorascope
To inspect pleural cavity
357.         Uteroscope
See Hysteroscope
358.         Urethroscope
To examine male urethra
359.         Vaginoscope
See Colposcope

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