The Most: Related to Animals -1 (Invertebrates)

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1.       Animal which turns its body most times
Cockroach (25 times/sec)
2.       Deepest Living
Myriotrochus bruuni. Found at a depths up to 10,710 m or (35,130 ft). Marianas Trench
3.       Deepest living mollusc
Ewig's Gastroverm lives at an ocean depth of about 20,000 ft (over 4500m).
Over 1,100 species of molluscs have been discovered living deeper than 1 mile (1600m).
4.       Fastest flying butterfly
Monarch butterfly (17 miles/hr)
5.       Fastest flying insect
Australian Dragonfly (58 km/hr)
6.       Fastest running insect
Tropical Periplaneta Americana (5.4 km/hr)
7.       Fastest Wing Beat
A tiny midge (mosquito group) can beat its wings 1000 times a second.
8.       Fattest fly
Pantophthalmus bellardi (Central America). 2 inch
9.       Heaviest insect
Goliath beetle (about 100 g & 11 cm long) (found in Africa).
10.     Heaviest Starfish
Thromidia catalai (Maximum weight of 6 kg 13 lb 4 oz). New Caledonia
11.     Highest lifespan in insect
Splender beetle (it has found the beetle which lived 51 years)
Ant (Queen). 11-16 yrs. Some are 28 years.
12.     Highest olfactory power in insects
Emperor Moth (can recognize the smell of same race at 11 km away)
13.     Largest and heaviest invertebrate (largest and heaviest mollusc)
Giant squid (Architeuthis): Max. size at 13 m (43 ft) for females and 10 m (33 ft) for males from caudal fin to the tip of the two long tentacles.
(Weight 5 tones, length 18 m, diameter 6 m).
14.     Largest annelid
The hydrothermal vent tubeworm, Riftia pachyptila, reaches lengths of 7.9 feet (2.4 meters)
15.     Largest ant
Dinopohtera (ant of Africa)
Daurilus (female). About 40 mm long
16.     Largest arthropod
Pseudocarcinus gigas, the Tasmanian Giant Crab, obtains a carapace width of 1.5 feet (0.46 meters)
17.     Largest beetle
Goliath beetle
18.     Largest Butterfly
Queen Alexandra bird wing (found in Guinea). Wingspan 28 cm,
weight 5 g
19.     Largest class
Hexapoda (Insecta)
20.     Largest colonial Cnidarian, that is not a coral reef
Bubblegum Coral, (Paragorgia arborea) that can reach heights of 9.8 feet (3 m)
21.     Largest coral reef
Great barrier reef of north east coast of Australia (2000 km)
22.     Largest crustacean
Giant spider crab
23.     Largest ctenophore
Cestum veneris ("Venus' girdle") and Velamen parallelum. They have up to 1.5 m (4.9 ft) length.
24.     Largest ctenophore
Lampocteis cruentiventer with a length of 0.52 feet (16cm)
25.     Largest dragonfly
Giant petal tai (Australia). Wingspan: 6.3 inch
26.     Largest earth worm
Microchaetus rappi
27.     Largest echinoderm
 The starfish Thromidia catalai and Thromidia gigas can reach 3.2 lbs (6 kg).  ”Thromidia catalai-the South Pacific species reaches a maximum span of a little over 2 feet (60-65 cm). But Thromidia gigas, which occurs in South Africa, was measured with a diameter of nearly 70 cm!”
28.     Largest egg in insect
Walking stick insect (egg has 8 mm long)
29.     Largest eye  (as compared to body size) among  animals
Giant squid (Architeuthis)
Largest recorded eyes: Atlantic Giant Squid - approximate diameter of 50 cm (20 inches).
30.     Largest flat worm
Taenia solium (Tapeworm)
31.     Largest flatworm 
Diphyllobothrium latum, the human tapeworm, at a length 65 feet (20 meters)
32.     Largest fly
Goromidas heros (South America)-   6 cm long
33.     Largest group in insects
Beetles (about 300,000 items)
34.     Largest group of animals that utilize the beating of cilia for locomotion
Ctenophore (Comb jellies)
35.     Largest hemichordate
 The largest colony is Cephalodiscus densus with a length of  8.2 feet (2.5 meters) and the noncolonial species is Balanoglossus gigas with a length of 9.8 inches (250 mm)
36.     Largest honeybee
Apis dorsata (South East Asia)-3 cm long
37.     Largest insect
Atlas moth (wingspan: 33 cm)
38.     Largest jelly fish
Cyanea arctica
39.     Largest known bivalve
"Giant Clam" (Tridacna gigas  Linne)
Weight: 734 pounds (333kg)
Length: nearly 4 ft (1.4m) in. 
40.     Largest locust Swarm
A Swarm of desert locusts that crossed the Red Sea in 1889. Swarm estimated to contain 250,000,000 insects weighing about 500,000 tonnes and covering 5,000 sq. km
41.     Largest moth
Atlas moth
42.     Largest non-colonial Cnidarian
Arctic Lion’s Mane Jellyfish, Cyanea arctica, with a bell diameter of up to 1.7 m and a tentacle length of 36.6 m
43.     Largest phylum
44.     Largest roundworm
Placentonema gigantissima (a parasite found in the placentas of sperm whales). Max. length: 30 ft (9 m)
45.     Largest roundworm in human
Ascaris lumbricoides
46.     Largest Sea Cucumber
Stichopus variagatus. 1 m long by 24 cm diameter (39 ins by 9.5 ins). Philippines
47.     Largest sea snail (univalve)
Syrinx aruanus Linne (Australian trumpet or false trumpet).
Length: nearly 800mm (2.5 ft).
Girth: 1m. Weight: 18kg
48.     Largest Sea Urchin
Sperosoma giganteum. The shell has an average diameter of 32 cm (12.6 ins). Japan
49.     Largest snail (land snail)
Giant African Land Snail (Achatina fulica).
Weight: up to 2 pounds (900g)
Length: 15.5 inches (390mm)
50.     Largest sponge
Spheclospongia vesparium
51.     Largest sponge
Aphrocallistes vasus (The cloud sponge) can cover an area of 11.15 feet (3.4m) x 3.6 feet (1.1m)
52.     Largest starfish
Midgardia xandros- Can have an arm reach of 1.38 m (4 ft 6 in). Gulf of Mexico
Pyenopodia hellianthoides (30 cm diameter)
53.     Largest tentacle
Cyanea arctica
54.     Largest terrestrial invertebrate
Giant earth worm
55.     Lightest insect
Banded louse (16 lakhs of louse together weighs only 1g)
56.     Longest and highest jumping insect
Flea (jumps 220 times long and 150 times height as compared to body size)
57.     Longest animal
The Arctic Lion's mane jellyfish. It was found washed up on the shore of Massachusetts Bay in 1870.
58.     Longest antenna in insect
A type of cricket found in Central Nigeria
59.     Longest insect
Giant stick insect (about 33 cm long)
60.     Longest migratory insect
A kind of dragonfly (11,000 mile from India to Africa)
61.     Loudest insect
Cicada (male). Sound will reach 400 m away
62.     Maximum number of chromosomes in animals
Aulacantha (Radiolarin); 2n=1600
63.     Minimum number of chromosomes in animals
Ascaris megalocephalus (2n=2)
64.     Most dreadful ant
Black Bulldog ant (Australia and Tasmaina). 1.6 inch long. One bite can kill a man.
65.     Most precious coral
Corallium nobile (red coral)
66.     Most primitive Annelid
67.     Most primitive Arthropod
68.     Most primitive helminth
69.     Most primitive molluscan
Chaetoderma and Neomenio
70.     Shortest lifespan
Mayfly. 30 min to 1 day after the larval stage. Some die within 5 min.
71.     Slowest moving snail
Helix aspersa
72.     Smallest annelid 
Dinophilus gyrociliatus reaches lengths of only 0.002 inches (0.05 mm)
73.     Smallest arachnid
Eriophyid mites (125 to 250 Î¼m in length)
74.     Smallest arthropod
 Stygotantulus stocki, a minute parasite on copepods, only reaches a length of 0.004 inches (0.095mm)
75.     Smallest arthropod (Smallest crustacean)
Tantulocarid Stygotantulus stocki, at a length of only 94 Âµm (0.0037 in)
76.     Smallest beetle

Beetles of the tribe Nanosellini are all less than 1 mm long; the smallest include Scydosella musawasensis at 300 Î¼m long, Vitusella fijiensis at 310 Î¼m, and Nanosella at 300 to 400 Î¼m. These are among the tiniest non-parasitic insects.
77.     Smallest butterfly
Brephidium barberae (Dwarf blue)
78.     Smallest Cnidarian
Psammohydra nanna (tiny hydra), with a height of only 0.02 inches (0.4 mm)
79.     Smallest ctenophore
 Minictena luteola with a length of 0.06 inches (1.5mm)
80.     Smallest Cucumber
Psammothuria ganapatii
Length = less than 4mm (0.16 ins). India
81.     Smallest echinoderm
The sea cucumber Parvotrochus belyaevi at 0.06 inches (1.5 mm)
82.     Smallest echinoderm (smallest sea cucumber)
Psammothuria ganapatii, a synaptid which lives between sand grains on the coast of India. Its maximum length is only 4 mm.
83.     Smallest flat worm
Cyrdodactylus funduli at a length of  0.1 inches (0.258mm)
84.     Smallest hemichordate
 The smallest colony is the species Rhabdopleura compacta at 0.11 inches in diameter (2.9 mm ) and the smallest noncolonial species is Saccoglossus pygmaeus with a length of 0.12 inches (3 mm)
85.     Smallest honeybee
Apis florea
86.     Smallest insect
Fairy fly (0.005 mm)
Adult males of the parasitic wasp Dicopomorpha echmepterygis can be as small as 139 μm long; females are 40 percent larger.
87.     Smallest known snail shell
Ammonicera rota.
Diameter: 0.02 inches.
88.     Smallest molluscan
The small marine snail, Ammonicera minortalis, at only 0.015 inches (0.4 millimeters) in diameter
89.     Smallest roundworm
Species Micronema, living between individual grains of sediment, only reach lengths of 0.012 inches (0.3 mm)
90.     Smallest Sea Urchin
Echinocyamus scaber. Diameter of shell = 5.5 mm (0.22 ins). Eastern Australia
91.     Smallest sponge
Leucosolenia blance
92.     Smallest sponge
Sycon cillatum (0.05mm height)
93.     Smallest Starfish
Patiriella Parvivipara. Maximum Radius of 4.7 mm (0.18 ins). South Australia
94.     Smallest tapeworm of man
Hymenolepis nana (10 cm with 200 proglottids)
95.     Tallest sponge
96.     Thickest shell in insect


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