Branches of Biology

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1.                Acarology
Ticks and mites
2.                Aceology
3.                Actinobiology (Radiation biology)
Effects of radiation in organisms
4.                Aerobilogy
Organisms (spores) in air
5.                Aetiology
Origin or a cause of disease
6.                Agriculture
Domestication and farming of plants
7.                Agriology
Customs of primitive peoples
8.                Agroforestry
A type of land use in which are grown to stabilize soil and to get useful articles from them.
9.                Agrology
Soils in relation to crop production
10.            Agronomy
Crop production
11.            Agrostology
12.            Algology (Phycology)
13.            Allometry
Relationship between size and shape, growth of one part to that of another part
14.            Anaesthesiology
15.            Anatomy
Internal structure of an organism
16.            Andrology
Male reproductive organs
17.            Angiology
Blood vascular system
18.            Animal husbandry
Breeding and management of domesticated animals
19.            Anthology
20.            Anthroplogy
Human race
21.            Aphidology
22.            Apiculture
The rearing of bees
23.            Aquaculture
Rearing and management of aquatic animals
24.            Araneology
25.            Arboriculture
Cultivation of ornamental trees and shrubs
26.            Archaelolgy
27.            Aristology
Science of eating
28.            Aromacology
Fragrances and their effects on human behaviour (through aromatherapy)
29.            Arthrology
30.            Aschelminthology
Round worms
31.            Astrobilogy
Organisms in space or other planets
32.            Audiology
33.            Autecology
Individuals/ population with respect to environment
34.            Auxanobiology
Mental status
35.            Bacteriology
36.            Balneology
Treatment of diseases by bathing
37.            Bariatrics
Treatment of obesity
38.            Batrachology
39.            Biochemical taxonomy
Taxonomy based on chemical reaction
40.            Biochemistry
Chemistry of organisms
41.            Bioclimatology
Climatic effects on biological processes and organisms.
42.            Biodynamics
Living power
43.            Bioenergetics
Energy transformations in the living cells
44.            Biogeography
Distribution of organisms
45.            Bioinformatics
Application of computer technology and information science to organize, interpret and predict biological structure and functions. Usually applies in analyzing DNA sequence data.
46.            Biomathematics or Mathematical Biology 
Biological processes through mathematics, with an emphasis on modeling.
47.            Biomechanics (a branch of medicine)
Mechanics of living beings, with an emphasis on applied use through artificial limbs, etc.
48.            Biomedical engineering (Bioengineering)
Production of spare parts for man, such as implantation of heart-lung machine
49.            Biometrics (Biometry or Biostatistics)
Statistical study in biology
50.            Bionics (Biomimicry, Biomimetrics or Biognosis)
Application of biological methods and systems found in nature to the study and design of engineering systems
51.            Bionomics
52.            Biophysics
Biological structures and processes by methods of physics
53.            Biorheology
Deformation and flow of biological systems or of materials directly derived from living organisms
54.            Biosystematics (Systematics)
Identification, nomenclature, classification and relationship amongst living beings.
55.            Biotechnology
Employing living beings or their products in industrial processes.
56.            Botany
57.            Breeding Biology
Development of improved varieties of plants and animals by selective mating or crossing. It does not manipulate genes.
58.            Bromatology
Food and nutrition
59.            Bronchospirometry
A technique used to the efficiency of ventilation of a lung or of segments of lung.
60.            Bryology
61.            Caliology (Nidology)
62.            Carcinology
Crustaceans (crabs, prawn etc)
63.            Carcinomology
64.            Cardiology
65.            Cetology
66.            Chemotaxonomy
Taxonomy based on chemicals present in organisms
67.            Chirology
Communicating with deaf and mute by sign language
68.            Chiropody (Podiatry)
Diseases, irregularities and injuries of the foot
69.            Chondriology
70.            Chorology
Distribution of organisms on earth
71.            Chromatology
72.            Chronobiology
Functions of organisms with respect to time
73.            Chronology
Computing time
74.            Cnidology
Coelenterates (Cnidarians)
75.            Coleopterology
76.            Coleopterology
Coleopterans (beetles and weevils)
77.            Computational Biology
Application and validation of computational hardware and soft ware solutions for building simulation models of biological systems.
78.            Computer simulation
Conversion of physiological phenomenon into graphical and multidimensional and multimedia presentation without actually involving animals or plants.
79.            Conchology
80.            Conservation Biology
Preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment, natural ecosystems, vegetation, and wildlife
81.            Coprology (Scatology)
82.            Cosmology
83.            Craniology
84.            Craniometry
Measuring the differences in size and shape of skulls
85.            Cryobiology
Effects on life in low temperature
86.            Cryogenics
Production of low temperature
87.            Ctetology
Acquired characters of organisms
88.            Cybernetics
Science of communication and control as by brain, nervous system and endocrine system
89.            Cytochemistry
Chemical compounds and their activities in living cells
90.            Cytogenetics
Cytological and molecular bases of heredity, variation, mutation, phylogeny, morphogenesis and evolution of organisms
91.            Cytology
92.            Cytotaxonomy (Karyotaxonomy)
Taxonomy based on cell constituents including chromosome number
93.            Dactylography
Finger print
94.            Dactylology
The representation of speech by finger movements
95.            Dairy technology
Manufacture of milk products
96.            Demecology (Population ecology)
Population in relation to its environment
97.            Demography
98.            Dendrochronology
Determination of ages of trees by counting annual rings
99.            Dendrology
100.         Dentistry
Care of teeth including cure, removal, filling and replacement
101.         Deontology
Ethics and correct behaviour or duty of doctor towards his patient
102.         Dermatoglyphics
The patterns of fingers, palm, toe and sole print
103.         Dermatology
Skin and its diseases
104.         Desmology
105.         Desteleology
Doctrine of purposelessness, i.e. appearance of vestigial organs due to evolution.
106.         Dialectology
107.         Dietetics
Nutrition/ diet
108.         Diploteratology
Conjoined twins
109.         Dipterology
Dipterans (houseflies, mosquitoes, gnats)
110.         Dysgenics
Undesirable traits of the human race and the genes causing them
111.         Dysteleology
Appearance of vestigial organs during evolution (Rudimentary organs)
112.         Ecology (Environmental biology)
Relation between organisms and environment
113.         Economic biology
Useful and harmful activities of animals and plants (Economic value of organisms)
114.         Ecophysiology
Physiological adaptations in response to environment
115.         Ecotoxicology
Passage of toxic materials in the ecosystems, their transformation, degradation and persistence in various trophic levels
116.         Edeology
117.         Embryology
118.         Emmenology
119.         Encephalology
120.         Endemiology
Local diseases
121.         Endocrinology
Endocrine system
122.         Enology
Making wine
123.         Entomolgy
124.         Environmental management
Emedy of environmental problems and conservation of biodiversity.
125.         Enzymology
126.         Ephebiatrics  (Hebiatrics)
Common disorders of children and adolescence
127.         Ephebology
Puberty or adulthood
128.         Epidemiology
Infection of parasites or epidemic diseases
129.         Epigenetics
Mechanism by which genes and their products bring about phenotypic expression
130.         Epileptology
131.         Ergonomics
The study of man in relation to his working and working surroundings.
132.         Ethnobotany
Relation between primitive people & plants
133.         Ethnology
Mankind (Human race)
134.         Ethology
135.         Etiology
Causes of diseases, life cycle of pathogens especially on the host
136.         Etymology
Origin of scientific words
137.         Eugenics
Improvement of human race through laws of heredity
138.         Euphenics (medical engineering)
Treatment of genetic disorders through implants, artificial limbs, heart-lung machines, pace maker, gene therapy etc.
139.         Euthanasia
Mercy killing of patients
140.         Euthemics
Environment and its influence to human being
141.         Euthenics
Improvement of modern generation of man by giving good nutrition and education
142.         Evolution
Origin of life, variation and formation of new species from preexisting one
143.         Exobiology (Space biology)
Kind of life in outer space
144.         Fishery (Aquaculture)
Catching, breeding, rearing and marketing of fish and other aquatic animals
145.         Floriculture
Cultivation of flower-yielding plants
146.         Food technology
Processing, preservation, storage and transportation of food substances
147.         Forensic science
Detecting crimes and causes of death through medical applications like finger prints, blood typing etc.
148.         Forestry  (Silviculture)
Management, conservation and exploration of forests for forest products.
149.         Futurology
Sociological and technological developments for the future.
150.         Gastroenterology
Intestine, stomach and their diseases
151.         Gastronomy
Good eating
152.         Genealogy
153.         Genecology
Developing an organism genetically according to their habitat
154.         Genetic engineering
Genetic manipulation to produce an organism with a new combination of gene.
155.         Genetics
Heredity and variation in generations
156.         Genomics
Genomes of organisms
157.         Geology
Earth’s crust
158.         Gerontology
159.         Geriatrics
Health and disease in later life
160.         Glossology
161.         Gnathology
Jaws, teeth and supporting structures
162.         Gnotobiotics (Gnotobiology)
Germ-free life
163.         Graphology
The characteristics of handwriting to obtain indications about a person’s psychological makeup or state health.
164.         Gynaecology
Woman’s diseases
165.         Haematology
166.         Hebiatrics
See Ephebiatrics 
167.         Helminthology
168.         Hemipterology
Hemipterans (True bugs)
169.         Hepatology
170.         Herpetology
171.         Hexicology
172.         Hipology
173.         Histochemistry
Chemistry of tissues
174.         Histology (Microanatomy)
175.         Hormonology
176.         Horology
Time measurement
177.         Horticulture
Development and propagation of fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants in gardens and orchards.
178.         Human reproductive biology
Understanding and regulating human reproduction
179.         Hydroponics
Propagation of plants in soilless media
180.         Hygiene
181.         Hymenopterology
Hymenopterans (bees, wasps, and ants)
182.         Hypnology
Hypnotism and sleeping
183.         Iatrology
Medical science
184.         Ichnology
Foot prints of fossils
185.         Ichthyology
186.         Immunology
187.         Iridology
Iris of eye
188.         Kalology
Human beauty
189.         Karyology
Cell nucleus
190.         Karyotaxonomy (Cytotaxonomy)
Taxonomy based on cell constituents including chromosome number
191.         Kinematics
Motion and the forces required to produce it.
192.         Kinesiology
Muscle movements
193.         Labiology
Lip movements
194.         Laryngology
195.         Lemology
Epidemic diseases
196.         Lepidopterology
Butterflies and moths
197.         Lepidopterology
Lepidopterans (butterflies and moths)
198.         Leprology
199.         Lichenology
200.         Limnology
Fresh water ecology; snail
201.         Macrobiology
Biology on the level of the macroscopic individual (plant, animal, or other living being) as a complete unit.
202.         Malachology
203.         Malariology
204.         Mammalology
205.         Marine Biology
Ocean ecosystems, plants, animals, and other living beings.
206.         Mastology
207.         Materia Medica
Drugs used in the treatment of disease
208.         Medical transcription
Interpretation and typewriting (transcribing) dictation from physicians and other healthcare providers, regarding patient assessment and work up surgical, radiology and therapeutic procedures, clinical course, diagnosis and prognosis.
209.         Medicine
Treating diseases with drugs or curative substances
210.         Melanology
Pigments like melanin
211.         Meteorology
Atmospheric phenomena especially for forecasting weather.
212.         Miasmology
Air pollutants in relation to human health
213.         Microanatomy
Cytology and Histology together
214.         Microbiology
215.         Molecular biology
216.         Monerology
217.         Morphogenesis
Changes during development and differentiation.
218.         Morphology
External structure of organism
219.         Mycology (Mycetology)
220.         Myology (Sarcology)
221.         Myrmecology
222.         Natural history
Habit and habitats of organisms
223.         Nematology
Nematodes (round worms)
224.         Neonatology
Babies having the age below 2 months.
225.         Neontology
Living organisms (opp. Palaentology)
226.         Nephology
Clouds and cloud formation
227.         Nephrology
228.         Nepiology
New born
229.         Neuroethology
Neural mechanism
230.         Neurology
Nervous system
231.         Nidology (Caliology)
232.         Nosology
Classification of diseases
233.         Nursing
Caring of ill and injured persons
234.         Nutrition
Nourishment of organisms.
235.         Obstetrics
236.         Occupational  therapy
A method of treatment of convalescents and physically handicapped utilizing light work for diversion, physical exercise or vocational training.
237.         Odonatology  
Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies).
238.         Odontolgy
Teeth and gum
239.         Olericulture
Cultivation and management of vegetables
240.         Olfactology
241.         Oncology
242.         Oneirology
243.         Oology
Eggs, especially of birds
244.         Ophthalmology
Eyes and eye diseases
245.         Oralology
Oral hygiene, mouth diseases
246.         Organocology
Development of organs based on embryology
247.         Organology
248.         Ornithology
249.         Orrhology
Blood serum
250.         Orthodontia (a branch of Dentistry)
Correcting of irregularities of teeth
251.         Orthopedics
Diseases and injury of the muscles, bones and joints
252.         Orthopterology
Orthopterans (grasshoppers, crickets etc)
253.         Osmology
Osmosis; smell
254.         Oteology
255.         Oto-rhino laryngology
Ear, nose, larynx
256.         Paediatrics
Medical treatment of children
257.         Paedology
Children’s behaviour and development. Larval stages
258.         Palaentology (Palaeobiology)
259.         Palaeoanthropology
Fossil man
260.         Palaeobotany
Fossil plants
261.         Palaeozoology
Fossil animals
262.         Palynology
Pollen grains
263.         Parasitology
264.         Parazoology
265.         Pathology
Diseases and their symptoms
266.         Pedology
267.         Periodontics
Treatment of disorders and diseases of the periodontium, that is, the gum and tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth
268.         Pharmaceutics (Pharmacy)
The craft of the precise preparation and dispensing of medicines according to the instructions of a licensed physician.
269.         Pharmacognosy
Uses of plants and plant parts in drug industry.
270.         Pharmacology
Knowledge and Action of drugs on the body
271.         Phenology
Bird migration
272.         Phlebology
Blood vessels
273.         Phonetics
274.         Phonology
Sounds in a language
275.         Photobiology
Effects of light on different biological activities
276.         Phrenology
The shape of a person’s skull to determine his character and abilities.
277.         Phthisiology
278.         Phycology (Algology)
279.         Phylogeny
Evolutionary relationship among different groups of organisms
280.         Physiognomy
Judging characters from features
281.         Physiography
Surface of earth and the interrelations of air water and land.
282.         Physiology
Functions and phenomena of living organisms
283.         Physiotherapy
Treatment of diseases, bodily weakness or defects by physical remedies such as massage and exercise.
284.         Phytogeny
Evolution and development of plants
285.         Phytogeography (Plant geography)
Distribution of plants on earth.
286.         Phytography (branch of Taxonomy)
Description of plants and their individual organs like root, stem and leaves.
287.         Phytology
288.         Phytopathology
Plant pathology
289.         Phytosociology
Plant communities
290.         Phytotomy
Plant anatomy
291.         Placentology
292.         Plant breeding
Improvement of crops
293.         Plant geography   (Phytogeography)
Distribution of plants on earth
294.         Platyhelminthology
295.         Pleurology
296.         Podiatry (Chiropody)
Diseases, irregularities and injuries of the foot
297.         Pomology
Fruits & fruit plants (branch of Horticulture)
298.         Population dynamics
Changes in growth & density of populations
299.         Posology
Dosage of drugs
300.         Poultry science (poultry farming)
Rearing and management of Domestic fowls such as chickens, ducks and geese.
301.         Prawn farming
Rearing transportation and marketing of prawns.
302.         Primatology
303.         Proctology
Hind gut- rectum and anus
304.         Protistology
305.         Proteomics
Recognition of proteins in cells and its functions
306.         Protozoology
307.         Psychiatry
Treatment of mental diseases
308.         Psychology
309.         Psychopathology
Mental disorders, with the aim of explaining aberrant behaviour
310.         Psychopharma-   cology
Effects of drugs on mental processes and behaviour
311.         Psychophysiology
Recording of physiological measurements, such as electrical resistance of the skin, the heart rate, the size of the pupil and EEG, and relates them to psychological events.
312.         Pteridology (petrology)
313.         Pulmonary medicine
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the lungs
314.         Quantitative zoology
Biometric data in animals
315.         Radiobiology (Actinobiology)
Effects of radiation on biological structures
316.         Radiology
X-rays and their medical uses
317.         Reflexology
318.         Rheumatology
Diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases
319.         Rhinology
Nose and other olfactory organs
320.         Roentgenology
The application of X-rays in medicine.
321.         Saurology
322.         Scatology(Coprology)
Searching of the unwanted substances in body like excreta
323.         Scolecology
Head of platyhelminthes
324.         Sedimentology
Rocks and fossils
325.         Semeiology (Symptomatology)
Symptoms of diseases
326.         Seminology
327.         Sericulture
Rearing, breeding and treatment of silkworms for extraction of raw silk.
328.         Serology
Serum; interaction of antigen and antibody in blood
329.         Serpentology (Ophidiology)
330.         Sexology
Sexual interests, behavior, and function
331.         Sialology
332.         Silviculture
Management, conservation and exploration of Timber trees
333.         Sitology
334.         Soil science
See pedology
335.         Sonology
336.         Speciology
337.         Spectrology
338.         Spelaeology
Organisms living in caves
339.         Spermology
Seeds and sperms
340.         Sphygmology
Pulse and arterial pressure
341.         Splanchnology
Visceral organs
342.         Stomatology
343.         Surgery
Physical operations to cure diseases, injuries to the body etc.
344.         Sylvics
Ecological study of forests
345.         Syndesmology
Joints and ligaments of bones
346.         Synecology (a branch of Ecology)
Interrelation between a group of organisms (as community) and environment
347.         Systematics (Biosystematics)
Identification, nomenclature, classification and relationship amongst living beings.
348.         Taphonomy
Decaying organisms over time and how they become fossilized
349.         Taxidermatology
Skin and stuffing
350.         Taxonomy (Taxology)
Classification of organisms
351.         Tectology
Structural organization of animals
352.         Teleology
Final causes of things
353.         Teratology
Malformed babies, developmental abnormalities and their causes
354.         Termitology
355.         Thanatology
356.         Theology
357.         Therapeutics
358.         Thermmatology
Heredity and law of variation
359.         Therology (Mammology)
360.         Threpsology
361.         Tictology (Obstetrics)
Care of pregnant women (before, after and during child birth)
362.         Tocology
Child delivery
363.         Torpedology
364.         Toxicology
365.         Traumatology
Cuts, wounds and tumors
366.         Trichology
367.         Trophology
368.         Ufology
Unidentified flying objects
369.         Ultrasonics
Uses and properties of sound waves of very high frequency.
370.         Urinology
371.         Urobiology
Preservation of dead bodies in a liquid using chemicals
372.         Urology
Urine and urinary diseases
373.         Venereology
Venereal diseases
374.         Veterinary medicine
Diseases of domesticated animals and their health care
375.         Virology
376.         Vitaminology
377.         Xylotomy
Xylem and wood (Anatomy of wood)
378.         Zoochemistry
Animal chemistry
379.         Zoodynamics
Dynamics of animals
380.         Zoogeny
Origin and development of animals
381.         Zoogeography
Distribution of animals on earth
382.         Zoology
383.         Zoonosology
Handicapped animals
384.         Zoopathology
Diseases of animals
385.         Zoophytology
Animals having similarity to plants (such as diatoms)
386.         Zootechny
Animal breeding and nourishment
387.         Zootomy
Animal anatomy
388.         Zymology

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